Adam "Forefathers" Vol. II - Sorcerer in the cemetery.
"Do you see the cross of the Lord?
I do not want to eat, drink?
Zostawże us in the room.
shoo, shoo! ...
And Jesus said to his disciples:
I ...... once it is born, and for this cause came I into the world,
to bear witness to the truth .....
..... I am the Way! And truth! And Life!
...... I am the Gate of Heaven
And there is no other way to the Father
As soon as I .....
Somewhere behind the walls of the Holy City,
Where Heaven is like a closer.
At the top of the hill called the Skull,
Trees grew three crosses ...
It happened so very long ago.
It's been two thousand years.
None of this is not forgotten.
History of the Cross lives in us.
Still living echo of those events.
Cross emotion still arouses passion.
This death is the entrance to the Land of Dreams.
For all the people is Salvation ...
The words written on the pages of the Book,
Science and law of every human being.
They tell us how not to lose this way,
At the end of the joy ...
And do not die waiting for us.
This Book tells us of the Annunciation.
A baby born in Bethlehem.
About the visit of the kings, the Egyptian exile.
The fact that the boy had an extraordinary knowledge
As taught by the age of twelve,
Insiders Law, gray beard priests.
As his knowledge then astonished the world.
As the water made wine at Cana ...
The Son of God began to fulfill his mission.
He began to preach the word of truth.
Twelve pupils were with him in the world.
The scribes had only contempt.
He fed the five thousand with bread.
He gave them two fish and five loaves of bread.
He told how to live, to be in harmony with Heaven,
To give as many good deeds.
He healed the sick, returned to life the dead.
Blind people began to see ....
Efficiency restored paralyzed.
He woke hope for future life ...
But he was stumbling for the priests.
The then very well lived.
They had palaces, temple, "their" law.
Any changes that it was not worse.
So I started thinking ... What to do?
How to protect the eternal privilege?
This Jesus, dangerous man.
Let's do something, because people crazy about him ...
So they thought and they were looking for holes throughout.
So caught him almost every word.
Even when the young man alive from Nain,
It was bad, because it was the Sabbath.
And Jesus taught walking from town to town.
Behind him the truth word thirsty crowd.
In the crowd somewhere very sick woman.
It touches robes ... I. .. goes well.
Who touched me? - Teacher asks.
He said to Peter - Master, the crowds hurled to you and huddle ...
Someone touched me, because the power has gone out from me ...
I'm the Lord .... trembling voice be heard next ....
I told all her story.
Years of suffering. Years of pain, blood and tears.
I'm the Lord touched the garment of your ...
Go in Peace. This is thy faith hath made thee whole ...
And it was such miracles much more.
After all the suffering and the sick always many.
Lazarus rose and girl deathbed ...
Growing fame of Jesus in Israel ...
And he tirelessly taught.
He knew that he had little time.
He wanted to make it to this his study,
Bloomed later in his Church ...
He taught people about love now.
He told them to love one another.
Because Love is the foundation of freedom.
Because of Love every problem will disappear, fade ....
And the Pharisees were thinking how they might destroy him.
How to put an end to the science of love.
As Source of Truth New kill.
People turn back from the road to freedom.
This man speaks - Seek the Truth.
He says the truth people free.
Destroys the Pharisees, the eternal principles ...
- The chains of bondage - ...
What we do brother priests?
How to close the mouth of this man?
For a while people will have us for nothing.
Learning the spill as a river .....
Still larger crowds for the walk,
When proclaims the word from city to city.
What about the "Temple" Genesis?
Passover is coming .....
Then spoke the wise Nicodemus.
He spoke to the priests:
- To not turned out that we fight with God,
When Jesus' teachings survive.
If it is the people that science,
Trace of it will not be,
And if it is divine ....
God grant her eternal duration.
So spoke the wise Nicodemus,
But his words a cry in the wilderness.
The high priest's judgment,
In the hands fooled fats ....
I spread the servant ... I found a Judas ...
What I kiss .... Captured
And under guard in front of the face of Caiaphas ....
A kiss of death for the payment date ...
I gave him the payment, 30 silver coins.
He came to the betrayal of its history.
The memory of this still arouses our disgust.
Judas did not walk in glory! .....
And Jesus knew that his time was near.
That the end of your stay on earth is coming ....
Even the entrance to the city on the foal of a donkey.
Even before Him, the Last Supper ....
Even with the students sit at the table.
Break bread and speak words:
- Take and Eat, This is My Body.
My for human sacrifice ... New ....
I will take the cup in his hands.
Cup full of red wine.
Rise to the top and the words denounces:
Drink, It's My Blood shed for you.
This you do at the Memorial Me.
At the Sign of the Covenant, when I'm gone.
And long centuries of history will pass away,
A covenant with you, forever will be ....
Time Supper ended quickly.
Judas the traitor came much earlier.
Master of the students going to the Mount of Olives,
Judas comes ... With the kiss of death.
Dark night - Olive grove of Gethsemane.
Jesus prays to God in solitude.
Blood sweat on the body appeared
And the shadow of death in heart debuted ....
He says the word ....
Father, if you can,
Remove this cup from me.
After all, not mine,
But your will ...
Let Up Meets ....
After the prayer, the students returned
And he finds them all sleeping.
There will come a moment here traitor.
PRAYER armor Watchers ....
Judas is coming to the forefront of the bunch.
In their hands, sticks and swords.
They are here with orders to GO captured ...
Before turning the face of the priests.
And Judas approaches Jesus
With his kiss of death.
The disciple betrays his Master
For thirty silver coins ....
And another of the disciples draws his sword
Becoming the Jesus defense.
Cuts off the ear of the servant of the priest,
Master says ... I do not.
- Hide your sword into its sheath.
Do not do to this, also for me.
Remember yourself always ...
Who sword fights, dies by the sword -
Jesus healed the wounded ear.
Makes your hands on violence.
Jewish Sanhedrin will judge him.
They talked about The Prophets ...
Under guard Jesus from the Mount of Olives
It goes to the court of Caiaphas.
Here, the high priest would make him guilty ....
Robber will also be at Annas ....
When the Master took the night guards,
Students be scattered.
And full of fear, what happens next?
From the Mount of Olives came down ....
One of the twelve, the apostle Peter,
He followed the Master from afar
And when morning came cold,
When the fire wanted to wait a while.
There in the glow of the fire someone recognized him ...
- You also were with Jesus ...
- No, what are you talking about? Nigdym knew him.
I was his student - ....
And so three times Peter is denied.
He said ... I do not know man ....
It began to dawn ... Then somewhere a rooster crowed.
And Peter remembered the word of the Master.
He and wept ....
THESE words then fell at the table.
When a dispute arose among the disciples.
They argued about his role.
Who is master of the servants?
Who is the most important of them?
Jesus asked Peter if he loves him?
Who is at the table important?
Is this what the table? Do what ministering?
It is the first ...
Peter then told:
Sir, With you to prison and death ...
You know that I love you.
And Jesus says to him .... I know the words.
Will put you to the test ...
Before laying of dawn crows
You deny me thrice.
But I leave you hope ... you cry.
- I will suffer all.
How I suffered I Passion Cross.
It may not be the servant of a higher
Over the Lord, and not suffer anguish - .....
- But do not be afraid ...
I World a victory.
They will receive your payment.
Remain faithful WY - .....
So Peter remembered the word of the Lord,
When the Master was already trapped.
Where under the guard of the servants of the high priest
He was spat upon and beaten and abused ...
And the Elders Council, when it was day,
Questioned Jesus .....
For God's sake! Blasphemes! Sentenced to death!
And now to Pilate ...
Pilate heard both sides.
How righteous judge.
- For what fault you, this husband?
I find in him no fault - ...
- He's a good man ... He did well,
He taught you how to be right.
Many heal disease ...
Go for IT want to kill -! ?
The scribes began to scream ....
Yelling is lifted cruel.
It makes a God! Only death!
The Torah tells us about this ....!
Then Pilate saith to them:
You have a habit here in Jerusalem,
The so-called Law of Grace ....
To donate been sentenced to blame
To celebrate the Passover ...
I'll give you Jesus. Forest Go slow
He did not deserve to die like!
And the Jews say ... Give us another,
Jesus hang on the cross! ! !
And Pilate gave them Barabbas.
Villain and a murderer ...
- If your will is there,
I wash my hands .....
Pilate took a bowl full of water
And he washed his hands.
- For me, this righteous man.
Take the blame on each other ....
It met the same will to the priests.
I prefer the scribes.
The thing announced by the Prophets.
Innocent hang on the Cross .....
I dressed in a purple robe
With thorns crown on his head ....
Burdened with the weight of the cross,
On Golgotha His walks .....
And for the thirsty crowd Games.
The escort of Roman soldiers.
Last road. At the end of the summit.
Hill of three crosses ....
But before he came to the mountain top,
Fell under the weight of the cross.
He helped carry Simon of Cyrene.
Weight on a human scale ....
I finally reached the mountain top ...
Somewhere outside the city walls.
There is a place of torment ... There torture ...
Hill called ... Skull.
The precious garment they cast lots,
Roman soldiers ...
Jesus on the cross, naked and barefoot.
Meets the Covenant ....
On both sides of two other crosses.
For them criminals.
They are guilty .... Jesus in the Sacrifice.
Innocent in the Passion ....
The sacrifice of life for all people.
As previously announced.
The death of many innocent wakes up ...
Gates will open Heaven ....
He's suffering on the Cross, Jesus Passion.
Fats makes fun of him.
Spitting in contempt increases distress.
He despises Sacrifice of the Cross ....
And one of the robbers, who also died,
Scoffs at the Cross of the Lord.
The second in defense takes Innocence ...
Pity saved .......
Suddenly eclipses the sun ....
It tears the veil of the temple ...
And Jesus in terrible agony
At the Cross Kona ....
Not only
Great voice cried out ....
- Father, into your hands I recommend
My spirit ..... and He died.
And then I got to know everyone,
That Jesus was the Son of God.
He died that righteous ....
To Eternity Road ....
And it is as taught.
This is the Way ... and the Truth and the Life ... ....
It's as told,
Walking around the world .....
And gone forever ...
Science Its still alive.
In every corner of the World
Christian Heart Beating ...
Beating The Heart And in Poland.
The Beautiful Land On the Vistula River.
Here Hearts are very hot.
And Filled With Love ....
Love To His House.
For the Polish ... For the Fatherland ....
Where sometimes in the middle of nowhere
White Crosses, How scars ....
I had grown Cross On Krakow,
Hearts Poles Erected ...
You can not see GO there today, gone .....
But the stands ...
At The Cross, whose No Ma,
1000 Years of History of Polish IS ....!
None of them will destroy the strength of the GO!
And no traitor NATION
Do not remove it by force.
It's like Nicodemus said ....
Futile is their clamor.
rage and spitting PEOPLE.
the devil's spawn
Adam Szeluga April 2011
Adam ...
A POLE Pole ....!

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Translatory lubią płatać figle
21 Kwietnia, 2014 - 06:42
"Zostawże nas w pokoju." = "Zostawże us in the room." :D ---> "Leave us in peace."
"Nie chcesz jadła, napoju ?" = "I do not want to eat, drink?" ---> "Don't you want to eat, drink ?" ale "You don't want to eat, drink."
Należy uważac na translatory, ponieważ mogą nie uwzględniać składni, a co za tym idzie - wyrazów wieloznacznych.
Ex. (PL zamek - budowla i w drzwiach, pokój - pomieszczenie i rozejm; EN pipe - fajka i rura, plane - samolot i hebel(strug))
23 Kwietnia, 2014 - 22:15
ja nie mam zielonego pojecia jak ta wersja anglojezyczna sie tutaj pojawila na moim blogu.
Moze cos zrobilem nie tak ?
Ale niech juz wisi. Jak wisi.
Moze to jakis znak ?
Czasu ?