A TY? Czy już napisałeś /aś do Obamy?

Obrazek użytkownika PS

Za stronką http://www.polishclub.org/2012/05/29/prezydent-barack-obama-ruch-oporu-pomgl-sie-dostac-mu-do-warszawskiego-getta-i-do-polskiego-obozu-smierci/


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Treść (można skopiować) jest tu:

Dear Mr. President
In a speech on the occasion of granting the medal of Freedom to Jan Karski, you used the phrase "Polish death camp". This expression for many people not familiar with the history of World War II will be understood that the Poles organized the extermination camps, and not as camps organized by the Nazis on Polish territory to exterminate the Jews, Poles and citizens of other nationalities.
In Poland we do not use the expression "German death camps" to name this crime, because this is not fault of modern Germans. We say "Nazi death camps" .
Jan Karski as a representative of the Polish underground had come to Britain and the United States to inform governments about the ongoing crimes of the Holocaust. He appealed for help to protect the life of the Jewish population. The governments of USA and GB did not take any action.
If Jan Karski, had been alive and had been present on the ceremony , he would have been outraged to hear about the "Polish death camps"
Mr. President,
I believe that granting the Medal of Freedom to Jan Karski, you wanted to honor and memorialize his actions to save the Jewish lives. The mistake in your speech was due to ignorance of your young co-workers.
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Już dawno :-)
Za karę dostaję teraz korespondencję z Łajthausa...pytają mnie np. czy jestem zwolennikiem równych płac dla mężczyzn i kobiet :-)))

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Dzisiaj np. dostałem informacje o jakiejś kolacyjce dla dzieci :-)))


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