Na początek gorące podziękowania dla tych wszystkich, którzy włączyli się w przygotowywanie apelu. Nie wymieniam z imienia i nazwiska – nie zostałem upoważniony. Mamy apel (stan na 03/02/2010) w pięciu wersjach językowych: polskiej, angielskiej, niemieckiej, hiszpańskiej i rosyjskiej. Brakuje nam portugalskiej, włoskiej i francuskiej. Oraz pozostałych :) Kanoniczną powinna być angielska, inaczej się porozłazimy. Więc od tej zacznę, a właściwe od tych dwóch. Pierwsza wersja dostarczona przez Jagę1991 jest przeznaczona dla Amerykanów. Druga – wersja A-Tem’a jest wersją brytyjską.
Ważna uwaga – proszę o przyjęcie właściwego stanu skupienia:
Te teksty, ten wysiłek różnych ludzi ma nam pomóc w dotarciu z informacją. To jest cel (pauza). Nie jest celem (na tym etapie) wzajemne szlifowanie obcych języków, bo nigdy nic nie zrobimy. Te dwie wersje angielskie są POMOCĄ w akcji docierania z INFORMACJĄ.
Więc jeśli ktoś uzna, że jakiś fragment jest zawiły lub zbyt kolokwialny w kontekście środowiska lub miejsca – niech uprości; niech dostosuje do lokalnych warunków.
Wtedy ta akcja ma sens. Niektórym ze swoich znajomych przekażę ten tekst w bardziej złożonej, innym w prostszej i skróconej formie.
Jak widać, całość składa się z czterech części. Pierwsza to wzór pisma do kongresmena, parlamentarzysty, sentatora, członka Izby Lordów, lokalnego burmistrza, mera, etc. To jest parę prostych zdań.
Druga jest apelem do ludzi dobrej woli o poparcie. Trzeci dokument to Apel do Polonii Amerykańskiej (nie widzę sensu pisania po agielsku do emigrantów w UK). Część opisowa (czwarta) jest DO WYKORZYSTANIA W UZASADNIENIU prośby o poparcie/podjęcie działań. Jej fragmentów można używać w dyskusjach na forach, w kontaktach z prasą.
Oczekuję, że wielu z was poruszy lawinę, a ja Wam tylko dostarczam narzędzi do jej poruszenia (co nie znaczy, że i sam się nie włączę).
Kolejne wersje językowe w drodze. Będą publikowane w kolejnych odsłonach.
Jeszcze raz podkreślę: dostajecie cztery narzędzia do łącznego lub oddzielnego stosowania.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Jesli komuś coś w tekście nie gra, jakiś przecinek, apostrof: przed wysłaniem wstawić, wedle upodobania i na własną odpowiedzialnosć – w końcu to będzie informacja od Was :)
Appeal for supporting the petition (exemplar)
As a supporter of your political party I am asking (deputy, congressman, member of parliament) to support the petition, in accordance with the majority of Polish public opinion, to litigate an International Committee to investigate all aspects of the Smolensk Catastrophe.
Name and surname
We ask that you share this letter with your relatives abroad, and ask them to pass it on to any others they may know (friends, family, colleagues). We ask you to alert the politicians in the country where you live, and hopefully persuade them to intervene in the process of the Smolensk Catastrophe investigation.
We intend to show that we will not stay indifferent to this gruesome and unexplained crime.
Russia is territorially, economically and politically a major influence in the world. Yet Russia needs reciprocal relations with Europe, America and the NATO countries. However, corrupt Russian state officials, in collaboration with the criminal mafia (members and successors of the former KGB), use their financial power to influence politics and economics outside the borders of the Russian state. They have created a network that corrupts politicians throughout the European continent, in order to advance Russia’s political and economic agendas. And these very people are suspected today, by the Polish public, of causing the death of 96 eminent Polish citizens on the 10th of April 2010.
We ask for your pledge of support. Insist that your politicians, congressmen and members of parliament support this appeal by the Polish people, who desire to have an internationally-supervised investigation of the Smolensk Catastrophe.
Do not be afraid of the truth. You are the electorate and politicians realize your power. Only your engagement can change their indifference.
A letter to Polonia
On the 10th of April our sovereignty experienced a national crisis: the killing of Poland’s president. This crisis has been covered up – with the complicity of prime minister Donald Tusk and his cabinet - with the very same fabric which covered the dead bodies of 96 Polish citizens, and the dead body of the Polish president amongst them.
Even before this tragedy, this cabinet opposed the policies of then-president Kaczynski, and his desire to form a rational and decisive policy towards Russia. This same government attempts to white-wash the tragic death of the President into a curious, theatrical “friendship” with KGB colonel Vladimir Putin. In doing so, our government guarantees the burial of our sovereignty.
However, at this time, we – Polish citizens - have the will and the power to ensure that the country we live in remains sovereign, and an independent national voice in the world of global politics. And this is what our government is trying to take away from us: our sovereignty and self-determination.
For the pleasure of small, isolated social groups – with the circle of Gazeta Wyborcza in the front – out of subservience to colonel Putin, Russian secret services and Russian state officials, Donald Tusk and his cabinet liquidate our independence and freedom. This is not a mistake or exaggeration: Poland, gradually, as a result of decisions by the political circle of Donald Tusk, ceases to be a sovereign country.
This is the reason we are appealing to you today, at this difficult time, for your support. We need your support to re-establish our sense of dignity and justice. We will regain it only by the full acknowledgement of the events on the 10th of April 2010 in Smolensk.
We appeal for the mass distribution of this petition, to organize an International Committee to investigate all aspects of the Smolensk Catastrophe.
We appeal to you: please send this pledge to the politicians of your constituency. Popularise it amongst your friends and acquaintances abroad.
Do it consistently and persistently, in all languages of the world, until the goal is achieved. And that goal is the full truth about the Smolensk Tragedy.
The politicians may not react instantly. They rarely do. However, if we constantly petition them, they will eventually take notice, and hopefully decide to join with the people’s demands for justice. They cannot forever ignore the will of those who elect them. Your politicians have to consider the power of your vote and the people’s will.
If, until now, you have not participated in the election process, we ask that you please change this course, and instead choose to use the power of your individual voice. This single power, multiplied by the millions who make up Polonia, is what will save us. Poland needs Polonia’s collective power now!
Please, embed this letter in the media mainstream, in which ever way you are able. Publish it on non-Polish, widely-read internet portals, and the most popular sites in your country. Post it on your social-networking sites. Also, send e-mails to your national and local newspapers.
We wish you all the best in the New Year 2011. I believe in your full-hearted engagement!
We attach the exemplar of the petition with the appeal to resend it electronically to the US Senate and Congress.
Smolensk Tragedy
On the 10th of April 2010, the Polish army airliner, Tu-154, was involved in a fatal crash in the city of Smolensk, Russia, killing all the crew and passengers aboard. This incident has been shrouded in suspicious and unexplained circumstances, as the crash included the Polish President and First Lady, the last Polish President in exile, the Chief of the General Staff, Commanders-in-Chief, the Chairman of the Polish National Bank, the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, as well as a number of MP's, senators and prominent figures of the Polish elite, among the 96 dead.
On the same day of the crash, the Polish government decided to leave the investigation solely in Russian hands, without securing the rights to appeal to international organizations, aviation organizations, and relinquished the right of an inspection, or any efficient supervision over examination procedures.
The Polish government refused to consider any help from NATO, and did not attempt to gather any support from other European Union countries. As a result, all the evidence gathered has been left on Russian soil, including confidential army and security codes belonging to NATO’s armies, “black boxes”, and other flight recording devices containing all flight parameters. None of this evidence, as well as any debris of the wreckage, has ever been returned to Poland.
The death certificates of the victims are cursory, barely containing any basic information, and some certificates are missing. There is doubt (no proof has been provided) that any post-mortem examinations were ever performed in Russia; none were undertaken in Poland, as opening the coffins was strictly forbidden. Families received the bodies of their relatives in sealed coffins, under the threat that they would be prosecuted under Russian criminal law, if coffins were opened or tampered with. No medical evidence has been produced so far.
Shortly after the funerals took place, Russia sent a number of coffins back to Poland with anonymous human remains inside, and claimed that thorough DNA examinations had been performed. Even these unidentified remains, released for burial, had never been inspected. There is no post-mortem examination data available.
All legal evidence is kept in secrecy. Polish authorities have had admittance only to some of the Russian reports, but not to the evidence itself, allegedly accumulated in Russia. The only interrogation ever performed in the presence of Polish army prosecutors in Russia has been withdrawn from files and replaced with an updated version, contradicting the original.
The only Polish inspections allowed were archeology and geology surveys, and these were strictly limited to narrowly outlined areas. Usage of any specialized equipment was strictly forbidden, reducing inspections to a "bare hands" retrieval method. All these survey results were confiscated by Russian officials. There were no Polish crash investigators, criminologists or explosives experts allowed to inspect the scene.
The scene of the crash investigation has not been secured (was never secured?). In the subsequent days and months following the tragedy, victims' relatives and mourners of the dead gathered at the nearby Polish War Memorial for murdered Polish prisoners of war, still in deep shock and pain in the acknowledgment that human remains still remain in the field where the crash took place.
The investigation in Russia is flawed, as no impartiality can be assigned. MAK (the Interstate Aviation Committee) is closely connected with the manufacturers of the crashed Tu-154 aircraft,and is responsible for certifying both the aircraft and the airfield.
The Russian Prosecutor’s Office Chief, Mr. Czajka, is the very same man who refused the British government's attempt to investigate Litvinienko’s death in the Russian Federation, and curbed their attempts to extradite the suspect of politically motivated murder.
Within days following the tragedy, there was an unprecedented media disinformation campaign - in both Poland and Russia - to cover up and blur many of the facts, such as:
1. Immediately after the crash (within minutes) the Russian government (and Polish?) stated that the crash was due to "pilot error, lack of training and poor communication skills (that the pilot could not speak Russian?)" After the investigation these accusations turned out to be complete false, as the captain of the aircraft was one of the most experienced, master class pilots of the regiment, with over a thousand flying hours completed on this aircraft type. He was also well versed in the specifics of the Russian airports, ground personnel habits, all the procedures, and spoke fluent Russian.
2. Aircraft movements before the crash were falsified, including a report of four abortive landing attempts, when in fact only one attempt had been performed.
3. It was reported that the aircraft’s left wing hit a 40 cm diameter tree. This has been officially confirmed to be false.
4. Within hours after crash, before any inspection had been completed, the Russian (and Polish?) governments refused to consider the possibilities of either a mechanical/equipment failure or the prospect of a terrorist attack (a reasonable possibility, in this post-9/11 world, as well as Russia’s penchant for blaming so many incidents on Chechen terrorists).
5. Reports were filled with misleading information about the exact time of the crash. The official time given by the Premier of the Russian Federation Ministers is over a dozen minutes later than it was finally set.
The entire landing navigation, performed by the Russian airfield ground personnel (the flight control tower), misled the crew, falsely confirming their positions, which led to the crash. This conclusion is based on the hard evidence of the flight controller's recordings, and forced the officials to admit this fact. According to military procedures (both the crew and the ground personnel were military) decisive power, in the landing of an aircraft, is ultimately up to the flight controllers. In this case, all the flight controllers were Russian.
All independent inquiries and examinations show incoherency and incompatibility of the Russian version of events. There was no fuel explosion as it crashed (“emergency-landed”) into a swampy forest ground, weakening the pressure – which was the Russian version of events. What, then, would have caused the crash then?
The death of ALL the passengers on board, the total dispersal of wreckage (annihilating 40% of its mass), the unexplainable range and scale of the injuries, the carnage left from the crash, whereby most of the bodies were unrecognizable: all of these facts do not coincide with the Russian “perpespective” on the crash.
In addition, there is the mysterious, unexplained phenomenon, at the Russian airport in Smolensk, between 8.20 and 9.14 Warsaw time, when the airport had no outside communication, no power supply, and no eye-witnesses present.
There are hundreds of examples of evidence being destroyed, or simply being overlooked and never considered for examination. This whole investigation has been a fabricated campaign lies and disinformation, delivered through the main media by both colonel Putin and the Polish Prime Minister Tusk. Even the media has been forced to acknowledge the most obvious lies.
Faced with this disturbing situation, Polish citizens commenced their own inquiry, using the power of the Internet. Among these inquirers are pilots, flight controllers, physicians, mathematicians, engineers and people of science. Their efforts proved, without a doubt, that the Russian so-called “final cockpit recordings transcript” had been manipulated, and that the protocol (report) delivered by the Russian Aircraft Accidents Investigation Committee does not contain any technical data, and lacks any official documents of the inspection. The investigation report simply does not describe the reality; it does not answer any questions. Some of its crucial statements are blunt lies, which were finally confirmed by Polish officials investigating the tragedy.
The preliminary stages of this investigation revealed that the aircraft Tu-154 was deliberately driven to the outside of the landing path. There is a hypothesis that the “beaconing” (the interception and rebroadcast of navigation signals) might have been used. Russian flight controllers insisted until the very last seconds, and reassured the crew that they were “on the course and on the approach lane”. This was despite the fact that the aircraft had not been on course, on the final approach lane, throughout the whole landing procedure.
All public protests and demands for a thorough investigation and explanation of the “catastrophe” are being refused, blocked and prevented by both the Russian and polish governments. The Polish people want to know what happened to that aircraft: the last minutes of the flight, the crash (“emergency landing”), the mysterious loss and restoration of communications – everything that occurred, up until the public was informed about the accident and President’s death.
All original recordings related to this accident disappeared in Russia. There is neither any photographic evidence being presented, nor video or audio, which would assuredly provide the answers for how this flight progressed to its fatal end. There is no electronic trace of evidence, no eye-witness testimony of the accident circumstances. No one saw anything, no one heard anything, no one filmed anything and no one recorded anything with his mobile phone.
In this situation, only the world’s public opinion can force the Polish government ,and the government of Colonel Putin, to disclose the documents and all the evidence. Only military services of NATO, of which Poland is a member, who may possess or have access to the satellite pictures of the accident scene, can help us to establish the truth.
The truth is what victims deserve. The truth is what we are obliged to deliver.
Appeal for supporting the petition (exemplar)
As a supporter of your political party I am asking (deputy, congressman, member of parliament) to support the petition, in accordance with the majority of Polish public opinion, to litigate an International Committee to investigate all aspects of the Smolensk Catastrophe.
Name and surname
We ask that you share this letter with your relatives abroad, and ask them to pass it on to any others they may know (friends, family, colleagues). We ask you to alert the politicians in the country where you live, and hopefully persuade them to intervene in the process of the Smolensk Catastrophe investigation.
We intend to show that we will not stay indifferent to this gruesome and unexplained crime.
Russia is territorially, economically and politically a major influence in the world. Yet Russia needs reciprocal relations with Europe, America and the NATO countries. However, corrupt Russian state officials, in collaboration with the criminal mafia (members and successors of the former KGB), use their financial power to influence politics and economics outside the borders of the Russian state. They have created a network that corrupts politicians throughout the European continent, in order to advance Russia’s political and economic agendas. And these very people are suspected today, by the Polish public, of causing the death of 96 eminent Polish citizens on the 10th of April 2010.
We ask for your pledge of support. Insist that your politicians, congressmen and members of parliament support this appeal by the Polish people, who desire to have an internationally-supervised investigation of the Smolensk Catastrophe.
Do not be afraid of the truth. You are the electorate and politicians realize your power. Only your engagement can change their indifference.
On the 10th of April 2010,Polish air force airliner type Tu-154M was involved in a fatal crash in the vicinity of Smolensk, Russia. Crew and passengers were killed in circumstances which remain suspicious and unexplained to this day. Under the 96 victims of the crash was President of the Commonwealth of Poland and the First Lady, the last Polish President in exile, Chief of the General Staff of Polish Armed Forces, all Commanding Generals of the Polish Armed Forces, Chairman of Polish National Bank, President of the renown Institute of National Remembrance, a number of Members of Parliament, a number of Senators, high Presidential Guests, highly honoured clergymen and prominent members of the Polish elite.
On the 10th of April 2010,Polish air force airliner type Tu-154M was involved in a fatal crash in the vicinity of Smolensk, Russia. Crew and passengers were killed in circumstances which remain suspicious and unexplained to this day. Under the 96 victims of the crash was President of the Commonwealth of Poland and the First Lady, the last Polish President in exile, Chief of the General Staff of Polish Armed Forces, all Commanding Generals of the Polish Armed Forces, Chairman of Polish National Bank, President of the renown Institute of National Remembrance, a number of Members of Parliament, a number of Senators, high Presidential Guests, highly honoured clergymen and prominent members of the Polish elite.
Polish government of Mr. Tusk refused to consider any help from our NATO allies, or NATO itself, and did not even attempt to gather any support from other member countries of the European Union. As a result, all the evidence of the fatal crash has been left unsupervised on site, which remains entirely under Russian authority. Computers containing confidential army and security codes belonging solely to NATO’s armies, air plane flight recorders or “black boxes”, complete avionics and other were left unsupervised, and vanished. None of the said equipment was ever returned to Poland, none of the of the undamaged parts of the craft, and none of the debris of the wreckage.
The death certificates of the victims issued by the Russians are non-informative, extremely cursory, misleading, or missing. They indicate that no post-mortem examinations might have taken place, or that they were all miss-performed. It is further certain, that no post mortem examinations were undertaken in Poland, as the government strictly forbade it. Families received the bodies of their relatives in tightly sealed coffins only under the threat of persecution under Russian criminal law, if coffins were ever to be opened, or tampered with. There is not a trace of any reliable medical evidence, never presented and not even in sight.
Shortly after all funerals of the victims were held, Russia sent a further number of coffins to Poland allegedly containing anonymous human remains despite the Russian claim that the most thorough DNA examinations had been performed on all human remains found at the crash site. And again, these unidentified remains were released for burial, yet had never been inspected, and there is again no post-mortem examination data available.
All evidence, which might be used in legal proceedings, is kept in secrecy. Polish governmental authorities have had admittance to some of the Russian reports, yet not to the evidence these reports were allegedly based upon. Thus, all evidence is accumulated in Russia. The only interrogation ever performed in the presence of Polish army prosecutors, who were briefly allowed to work in Russia, has been yanked from file, and replaced with testimony contradicting the former one. The original testimony has been removed from file by the Poles only under heavy pressure from Mr. Putin.
We must regard the Russian willingness to suddenly accept one Polish inspection after months have passed since the crash as an utter curiosity: no criminologists’ inspection was allowed, but rather some archaeological and geological survey. Even those limited attempts to study the crash site on behalf of Poland were confined to very few narrowly outlined areas. Usage of any professional equipment during the survey was strictly forbidden.
Findings that were collected at crash site nearly by bare-hands were confiscated on the spot by Russian officials. Let us state this again in all clarity: no Polish investigators, no criminologists, no explosives experts were allowed access to the scene; only a few archaeologists and geologists were.
The scene of the crash investigation has neither been properly searched, nor properly secured. In the days and even months (sic!) following the tragedy, visitors to the site who came to mourn the dead and pray for peace were able to glimpse human remains still unburied. In fact, they buried some of them at improvised services to the fallen relatives and friends.
The investigation of the Smolensk tragedy is obviously deeply flawed. Instead of impartiality, a very partial investigation by the so-called MAK Interstate Aviation Committee has been conducted. MAK is closely connected with the manufacturers of the Tu-154 that crashed at Smolensk. Indeed, it certifies the airworthiness of the craft it pretends to investigate. Moreover, it certifies the airfield on which the crash happened.
Russian Chief Prosecutor is the very same Mr. Tschaika who once refused HM Government to duly investigate the assassination of Mr. Litvinienko within the confines of Russian Federation and curbed all subsequent attempts to extradite the suspects of this politically motivated murder of UK citizen on British soil.
Immediately following the tragedy, almost all Russian main stream media as well as some Polish mass media launched a hitherto unprecedented onslaught to misinform the public and to cover up the faults of their governments. They tried particularly hard to:
Lay the sole responsibility on the backs of the skilled Polish pilots claiming they were untrained and bare of communication skills. These accusations turned out to be complete lies, for example the pilot-in-command proved to be one of the most experienced, renown, master-class pilots with over three thousand hours' experience on this aircraft type alone. He knew Russian airports, ground personnel habits, Russian air traffic law, regulations and procedures, and he knew it well. Of course, he spoke Russian fluently, and has passed all the exams.
Immediately following the tragedy, almost all Russian main stream media as well as some Polish mass media launched a hitherto unprecedented onslaught to misinform the public and to cover up the faults of their governments. They tried particularly hard to:
MSM tried to lay the sole responsibility on the backs of the skilled Polish pilots claiming they were untrained and bare of communication skills. These accusations turned out to be complete lies, for example the pilot-in-command proved to be one of the most experienced, renown, master-class pilots with over three thousand hours' experience on this aircraft type alone. He knew Russian airports, ground personnel habits, Russian air traffic law, regulations and procedures, and he knew it well. Of course, he spoke Russian fluently, and has passed all the exams.
MSM tried to falsify the trajectory of the aircraft all the way from the very start in Warsaw up till the attempted landing in Smolensk. Main steam media reported four (!) abortive landings, and kept on repeating the reports even when it was clear that just one such attempt had been taken.
MSM reported aircraft’s entire left wing broke off after hit on some 10-inch birch tree, what isn't even remotely possible. Luckily, this has been already officially refuted.
MSM denied violently any possibility that the crash was caused by a mechanical or other physical failure. Strangely enough, within hours after the crash, and before any inspection cold have been completed, or even undertaken, the MSM also 'knew' there was no act of terror whatsoever, Russian, or otherwise.
MSM reported misleadingly on time the crash happened. The 'official' time first set by Mr. Putin, who was named Russian Chief Investigator, differed more than a quarter of an hour from what was confirmed later.
Russian ground control was to talk the aircraft down using radar. Instead, they mislead the pilots giving false account on the position of the aircraft. This is hard evidence, and well recorded. Russian air traffic controllers had the authority to talk the aircraft down, up till the landing on the military airfield, yet they used this authority to talk the aircraft into the ground.
Independent enquiries and examinations show that Russian story about what had happened cannot be true. The crash site was almost devoid of fuel. There was no fire damage to the aircraft. The landing took place on a swampy ground with some trees and bushes. No alarm was sound, no emergency called. What might have caused such a horrible crash?
The crash has left all passengers dead. All crew perished. The aircraft perished. Around 40% of its mass is still unaccounted for. Passengers as well as crew have suffered unexplainable injuries, most of the bodies were mutilated beyond any recognition. It is still not known why Smolensk air base could not be reached between 8:20 and 9:14 Warsaw time, when the airport had allegedly suffered a break of all means of communication, a massive power supply failure, and failure to stage even one eye-witness to confirm what was going on then.
Polish citizens, unfazed by the circumstances, commenced their own inquiry into the Smolensk tragedy using the power of the Internet. We are doctors, aircraft pilots, flight controllers, physicians, mathematicians, engineers, scientists and investigative journalists. We interconnect to bring our experience to its full potential. It has been already proven beyond reasonable doubt that the bulk of the so called “cockpit recordings” is sheer bunk, and that the Russian Aircraft Accidents Investigation Committee could not deliver any meaningful data. Russian officials go on storytelling where no documents of inspection are presented: the storytelling itself neither describe any recognizable part of reality, nor does it answer any questions. Some of the crucial statements of the Russian report are blunt lies. Now, even the tight-lipped among the Polish officials investigating the crash confirm that the Russian report is severely lacking.
The preliminary stages of this investigation revealed that the aircraft Tu-154M, when on the landing approach, was deliberately driven to the left of its gliding slope, and under that slope. There is a hypothesis that instead of beaconing to the landing strip the technique known as meaconing might have been used. It is also possible that the Russian air traffic controllers were themselves misled and thus insisted the pilots were “on the right course and on the glide slope”. This took part until the very last seconds of that fatal flight, when unbeknown to the pilots who followed the directions given to them by the Smolensk tower their aircraft was flying neither the right course nor the correct glide slope, but heading straight into terrain.
It is very disturbing that the highest Russian authorities deny access to the data collected in connection with the crash, thus preventing a thorough investigation of the catastrophe; preventing a full explanation of what had caused the loss of the aircraft and huge loss of life; preventing the investigation of the circumstances within the Smolensk air base from the moment of power loss and communications breakdown until the power supply to the base and all communications have been restored; in fact preventing any questions which have been put forward from ever being answered. This is even more disturbing as this is an investigation of death of the President of Commonwealth of Poland.
All data of Smolensk tragedy seem to have either disappeared in Russia, or never existed in the first place. There is no photographic evidence available, there are no video or audio recordings, no testimonies from eye witnesses, which could help us to further the investigation. There is no reliable electronic evidence. No one saw anything, no one heard anything, no one filmed anything and no one recorded anything. All what is left are some short films taken allegedly at the “crash site”, the very site Russian authorities destroy completely within days, destroy beyond any recognition.
In the said situation it is only the general public opinion which we believe can bring about a significant change in both Polish and Russian governments, which will lead to a disclosure of the evidence. Yet there are also military services of the NATO, that may help with satellite imagery, and relevant communications recordings in order to facilitate the investigation and to establish relations which are based on truth.
Truth is what families of victims of the tragedy deserve, no less. Truth is what we are obliged to deliver to every Pole, every Russian, and every friend who asks after the late Mr. Kaczynski, President of Poland, fallen on duty.
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3 Lutego, 2011 - 12:50
Skąd można wziąć wersję hiszpańską?
6 Lutego, 2011 - 13:50
Ponawiam pytanie :)
Wspaniałe !
3 Lutego, 2011 - 12:51
A gdzie znajdę to po niemiecku ?
3 Lutego, 2011 - 18:13
na samiuśki początek może po polsku?
I am not speak englisch!
3 Lutego, 2011 - 18:45
I am not speak englisch!
Prośba o opublikowanie wszystkich wersji językowych
3 Lutego, 2011 - 21:04
Już dostępnych.
Dziękuję Rolex.
Prawda ma w sobie znamię trwania i wychodzenia na światło dzienne, nawet gdyby starano się ją skrupulatnie i planowo ukrywać. Kłamstwo zawsze kona szybką śmiercią.- Bł. Ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko
Wersja Chińska
3 Lutego, 2011 - 23:39
Czy byłbyś rolexie zainteresowany wersją Chińską apelu? pytam całkiem serio.
"Oto zginie ten, co jest ducha nieprawego
, a sprawiedliwy żyć będzie dzięki swej wierności. "
"Oto zginie ten, co jest ducha nieprawego
, a sprawiedliwy żyć będzie dzięki swej wierności. "
7 Lutego, 2011 - 19:15
Sympatyczka p.p. Kaczyńskich
Mój znajomy Brytyjczyk, lekarz weterynarii, człowiek bardzo szlachetny i bezkompromisowy, który wielokrotnie występował w sądach w sprawach dot. przemocy wobec zwierząt (raz został nawet dotkliwie pobity przez chamskiego angielskiego rolnika), w odpowiedzi na przesłaną mu informację z apelu, napisał:
"Thank you for the information. I have forwarded this to my local MP who knows the Foreign Secretary and, hopefully, our government will be aware of Polish concerns and perhaps our Foreign Secretary will contact Hillary Clinton although she may already be aware of the concerns - however, it does not matter as a second approach may be advantageous.
I always had some concern over the incident and was surprised that an international team did not investigate in view of the wide implications."
Napisałam mu, że nie mam wielkiej wiary w działania pana Obamy i jego ludzi, i że - dla nas Polaków - szkoda, że skończyły się czasy Ronalda Regana i pozostałych DWOJGA, z tych TRZECH LUDZI WHO HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD, ale nie zaszkodzi apelować z każdej strony. Serdecznie pozdrawiam
Sympatyczka p.p. Kaczyńskich