"Request the Nation" ..... 27 April 2014
Wadowice, Niegowic, Krakow and Rome.
The whole earth was a place of magazines.
Your life is a holy act of holiness.
TO has always felt - the Poles.
Today, You are exalted at the altars.
Today, the whole world looks Rome.
Today we are living witness important events.
Healed TO holiness of your character ......
But not only testify INCLUDING Such signs.
About Holiness says your whole life.
They speak words of your Pontifical Science.
They say footprints in the hearts of the faithful rest .....
Wherever He went Pilgrim Pope.
Where kissed Mother Earth appended Their usty.
Your Holiness Confirms Rome today.
The feel of your homeland HER everyone.
Support Our Pope Holy Poland.
She asks you very for support.
IT destroys enemy as SOLDIERS destroyed - accursed.
To live does not give any patriots.
Ask About Our Spirit Pope For ENGLISH.
There are close to God in Heaven.
POLAND progress, but IT destroys rascals!
POLAND is the Holy Father in need ......
Polish your from the Baltic to the Tatras.
From the Baltic to the TEN Cross on Giewoncie.
Poland Your, Where Polka sister lives
And Field lives - Brother.
HOMELAND - Our Mother asks you
About Support ........
A S. overseas, 27 April 2014
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28 Kwietnia, 2014 - 23:49