
Obrazek użytkownika 3.gibon

Oglądałem ostatnio na tvn jak była tam pewna dziennikarka z ruskiego radia i ona stwierdziła że co Polacy chcą od Rosjan
w sprawie ludobójstwa w katyniu skoro przecież Stalin był GRUZINEM.Zdumiało mnie zachowanie obecnych w studiu qwazi polskich dziennikarzy.Oni w ogóle na to nie zareagowali.
To ja teraz nie wiem czego my chcemy od niemców skoro hitler był Austriakiem ?

Brak głosów


stalin był synem gen.Przewalskiego tego od konia przewalskiego

czyli miał a sobie polskie geny...........

proponuje czasem spojrzec na portret generała

mozna sie lekko zdziwic


"Spróbuj zapalić maleńką świeczkę zamiast przeklinać ciemność" (Konfucjusz)

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"Spróbuj zapalić maleńką świeczkę zamiast przeklinać ciemność"



Konfucjuszu, a wiesz gdzie się urodził Generał ?? -SMOLEŃSK.
Rzeczywiście, chyba jest to przeklęte miejsce ?? dla Nas , Polaków.

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Ciekawostką jest fakt, że nazwisko Stalina w języku Gruzinów oznacza „syn Żyda.” Bardziej ważne jest natomiast, że Izrael jest spuścizną poStalinie, o czym dziś mało kto pamięta. Faktycznie bez poparcia Stalina,
prawdopodobnie w ogóle by dziś nie było państwa Izrael. Stalin dostarczył kluczowych elementów do stworzenia Izraela, który był mu strategicznie potrzebny, w czasie Zimnej Wojny, jako zarzewie konfliktu zbrojnego na Bliskim Wschodzie, bogatym w ropę naftową.

Trzy elementy podstawowe do stworzenia przez Stalina nowego państwa
Izrael w Palestynie stanowiła, po pierwsze dostawa setek tysięcy
kolonistów żydowskich do Palestyny, w tym weteranów z wojny, po drugie
darmowa dostawa broni do walki z Arabami o ziemię i po trzecie,
wniesienie przez Sowiety wniosku do Narodów Zjednoczonych o uznanie
nowego państwa Izrael w Palestynie, co stało się w marcu, 1947 roku.
Trzeba pamiętać, że pogrom kielecki był jednym z 16 pogromów
zainscenizowanych w państwach satelickich przez NKWD przy pomocy
syjonistów, które to pogromy poprzedziły kilkanaście pogromów
zainscenizowanych już przez samych syjonistów w państwach arabskich, żeby
skutecznie „stymulować” kolonizowanie Izraela.

Od początku było wiadomo, że sztuczny twór państwowy Żydów europejskich
w świecie islamu na Bliskim Wschodzie, na ziemi zabranej Arabom, będzie
powodem zatargów i niekończącego się konfliktu oraz aktów terroru
syjonistów, przeciwko władzy angielskiej i przeciwko miejscowej ludności
arabskiej. W listopadzie 1947 roku, wobec rosnącego terroru
syjonistycznego, nastąpił koniec rządów brytyjskich w Palestynie.

Następnie z pomocą Sowietów i USA, Narody Zjednoczone uznały nowe
państwo Izrael 14go maja, 1948. Wówczas Sowiety zaczęły popierać Arabów
przeciwko Żydom i w Polsce pod jarzmem sowieckim, zaczęła się tworzyć
sympatia do izraelskich Żydów, walczących przeciwko Arabom, popieranym
przez Sowiety. Sympatia ta pokutuje wśród niektórych ludzi w Polsce,
nieświadomych perfidii żydowskiego ruchu roszczeniowego i oczerniania
Polaków jako wspólników w dokonaniu ludobójstwa niemieckiego na Żydach w
czasie wojny.

Na podstawie tego oszczerstwa żydowski ruch roszczeniowy żąda od Polski
kolosalnej sumy 65 miliardów dolarów, tak jak gdyby Polska sama nie była
najbardziej zniszczonym przez wojnę krajem w Europie i nie była ofiarą
zemsty Hitlera, za wykolejenie jemu szans na szybkie zdominowanie świata
w 1939 roku, oraz jak gdyby jednocześnie Polska nie była ofiarą zemsty
Sowietów, za zatrzymanie ich pochodu na zachód, w wojnie 1920 roku. Tak
więc Polska dwukrotnie w dwudziestym wieku zaważyła na losach świata i
walcząc w obronie swej niepodległości, przeszkodziła zwycięstwu naprzód
tyranii sowieckiej a potem nazistowskiej.

Jan Karski opisał masową kolaborację Żydów z Sowietami, po podboju
Polski w 1939 roku przez Hitlera i Stalina. Żydzi pomagali Sowietom w
aresztowaniach Polaków i w pacyfikacji Polski w latach 1939-1941 oraz w
latach 1944-1953. Gruźiński Żyd, Lawrenty Beria, 5go marca, 1940 roku,
przedstawił Stalinowi listę 21,857 oficerów i inteligentów polskich
przeznaczonych do egzekucji w Katyniu i innych miejscach kaźni, w
których faktycznie odbyły się egzekucje około 26,000 Polaków, według
generała NKWD Pawła Sudopłatowa, autora książki „Specjalne Zadania”
(„Special Tasks”).

Sudopłatow uzyskał przez swoich agentów żydowskich w USA, a zwłaszcza od
Roberta Oppenheimer’a, dokładne dane amerykańskiej bomby nuklearnej,
tak, że kiedy pierwsza eksplodowana sowiecka bomba nuklearna była
bliźniakiem bomby amerykańskiej, Oppenheimerowi odebrano „security
clearance” czyli dostępu do sekretów państwowych w USA, a szpiegowskie
małżeństwo Rosenberów zostało stracone.

Po Drugiej Wojnie Światowej, Polacy zdradzeni przez Roosevelta i
Churchilla stali się źle widziani, ponieważ niestety taka jest ludzka
natura, że ludzie nie lubią tych, którym źle zrobią. Ten stan rzeczy
zbiegł się z powstajacym wówczas fałszywym mitem zagłady Żydów z rąk
nazistów i Polaków. Co do tego kim byli naziści, to nieraz są
wątpliwości, chociaż w pojęcie to są włączeni jacyś, ale nie wszyscy
Niemcy. Natmiast co do Polaków to naturalnie słowo „Polak” tyczy się
wszystkich lub większości etnicznych Polaków.

Wraz z rozbudową żydowskiego ruchu roszczeniowego, opartego na fałszywm
micie polskiej współwiny w tragedii Żydów czasie wojny, po wojnie
zaczęła się w USA moda poniżania Polaków, w formie idiotycznych
etnicznych dowcipów popularnych wśród złośliwych ludzi oraz tych, którzy
chcą wierzyć, że ktoś, tym wypadku Polacy, są głupsi od nich samych.

W USA okresowo rozmaite grupy etniczne i rasowe stają się przedmiotem
głupich dowcipów, ale okresy te nie trwają długo, tak po Irlandczykach
mogą być Szwedzi, etc. Żydowski ruch roszczeniowy i jego anty-polska
propaganda stworzył zjawisko anty-polonizmu w USA o charakterze znacznie
bardziej długotrwałym, niż to miało miejsce w przeszłosci, w stosunku do
innych grup, zwłaszcza, że na zawodowi komedianci opowiadający dowcipy w
radiu lub telewizji, przeważnie rekrutują się spośród Żydów, dla,
których humor stanowił tradycyjna broń.

Z postępem rozwoju żydowskiego ruchu roszczeniowego nagonka na Polaków
przybierała coraz większe rozmiary i „głupota polska” i polskie nazwiska
zaczęły pojawiać się w ujemnej formie w treści ogłoszeń handlowych i w
scenariuszach filmowych i w powieściach, zwłaszcza kryminalnych. Samo
istnienie państwa Izrael wraz z jego dyplomacją i służbami specjalnymi
powiększa możliwości żydowskich sukcesów.

Żydowski sukces w USA zaszedł tak daleko, że o ile dawniej duże państwa
posługiwały się małymi, w międzynarodowych rozgrywkach, to o tyle teraz,
mały Izrael posługuje się amerykański kolosem, czyli jak Amerykanie
mówią „ogon macha psem.” Tak więc Stalin ma wpływ na losy Bliskiego
Wschodu nawet pół wieku po śmierci, kiedy jesteśmy świadkami rządów
neokonserwatystów syjonistów w USA i ich napaści na Irak, na korzyść
„wielkiego” Izraela oraz ich pomocy w masakrowaniu Libanu przez Izrael,
jak też trwającej od czasów powstawania Izraela, eksterminacji

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

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Trudno się odnieść do tego pomieszania z poplątaniem w tekście szanownego Autora, więc spróbuję się odnieść tylko do sprawy Katynia. W Katyniu nie mordowała żadna Rosja a nawet Rosjanie, do czego jeszcze wrócę tylko, Bolszewia, która ma tyle wspólnego z Rosją, że ją zniszczyła w sposób trwały i wymordowała jej elity.

Przypomnę, że pomysłodawcą eksterminacji polskiej elity państwowej poza Josifem Wissarionowiczem Dżugaszwili (nazwisko znaczy po gruzińsku - syn żyda - Dżuga-szwili) był oczywiście szef NKWD Ławrientij Beria, który realizował plan wraz z zespołem składającym się w przeważającej części z ludzi takich jak Bogdan Zaharewicz Kobułow, Begman, Elman, Estrin, Krongauz, Lejbkind, J. Raichman, Abakumow, Milstein (transport), Sierow. Sam mord "zatwardziałych, nie rokujących poprawy wrogów władzy sowieckiej" w lesie katyńskim prowadzili na miejscu kierowniczy funkcjonariusze mińskiego komisariatu NKWD - Abram Borysowicz, Lew Rybak i Chaim Finberg. O bezpośrednich katach, strzelających Polakom w tył głowy, posiadamy informacje dzięki polskiemu Żydowi Abrahamowi Vidro który Po 30 latach przerwał swoje milczenie o Katyniu, cyt.

Tel Aviv, 22 lipca 1971
"Przyrzekłem majorowi Sorokinowi, że przez 30 lat nie zdradzę jego tajemnicy, którą mi powierzył. Odczuwałem w sobie jego strach i zaufanie. Obiecałem strzec tajemnicy. Teraz mówię po 30 latach".

Tak zaczyna się oświadczenie, które złożył Abraham Vidra (64) w Tel-Avivie. Chodzi o nowe dowody masowego mordu w Katyniu. W 1940 r. ponad 10000 polskich oficerów zostało zamordowanych w Katyniu przez żołnierzy Armii Czerwonej. Po odnalezieniu masowych grobów stwierdzono, że za masową masakrę są odpowiedzialni Rosjanie. Rosjanie próbowali winą obciążyć Niemców.
Po wojnie udowodniono, że za masowe egzekucje odpowiadają Rosjanie. Vidra jest jednak pierwszym, który przekazuje teraz relacje naocznych uczestników. W 1941 r. dowiedział się najpierw od sowieckiego majora Sorokina o rosyjskim komandzie egzekucyjnym, a potem w obozie w Talizie na Uralu spotkał sowieckich kapitanów: Susłowa i Tichonowa, "którzy zachowywali się w osobliwy sposób". Obydwaj oficerowie, jak przekazuje Vidra, byli załamani nerwowo i Susłow przyznał się Vidrze: "Tichonow i ja jesteśmy najpodlejszymi ludźmi na świecie. Ja własnoręcznie zabijałem Polaków". Kapitan Susłow przekazał Abrahamowi Vidrze: "Chcę panu o moim życiu opowiedzieć. Tylko panu możemy opowiedzieć, ponieważ jest pan Żydem. Polaków zabijałem moimi rękami. Rozstrzeliwałem ich własnoręcznie". Przywódcy komunistycznej partii w Związku Sowieckim wiedzieli, ze tylko niektórzy głęboko nienawidzący Polaków będą zdolni takie obrzydlistwo wykonać.
Po wojnie Vidra wyemigrował z Rosji do Izraela. "Przypuszczam, ze ci oficerowie zmarli w międzyczasie i swą tajemnice zabrali do grobu. Ja jednak nie chcę dłużej milczeć" - oświadczył teraz w Tel-Avivie."

Tak, więc proszę Autora o dbałość, o fakty historyczne, bo inaczej to będzie jak u Sztura: "pisać każdy może". Logika podpowiada: fałszywa przesłanka - fałszywy wniosek.

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po takim mordzie każdy się mógł załamać ? żałuje tylko że oni nie pomyśleli o tym przed strzelaniem do bezbronnych oficerów
Takim rozumowaniem można by każdego uniewinnić.Panie marek
jeszcze jedno a skąd się wzięli tam bolszewicy jak nie z rosji.
ja rozumiem że każdy naród można zbałamucić i zresztą nie chodzi przecież o wszstkich ROSJAN TAK JAK NIE WSZYSCY nIEMCY BYLI FASZYSTAMI

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Oczywiście że nie wszyscy niemcy byli faszystami, ponieważ byli nazistami. W marszu faszystów na Rzym brało udział ok.250 żydów - faszystów. Partia bolszewików była (PRZYPOMINAM!) partią r o s y j s k ą ! Toteż naszych rodaków mordowali rosjanie na polecenie władz rosyjskich. Wszelkie oddzielanie ideologii panującej w Rosji od władz rosyjskich i w końcu od samych rosjan jest zwykłą poprawniacką manipulacją której celem jest rozmycie odpowiedzialności i w konsekwencji uwolnienie od nie Rosji. Pozdrawiam zidiociałych poprawniaków i z całego serca życzę im powrotu do przytomności.

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Z nieznanych przyczyn edytor zmienia porządek wyrazów w zdaniu.REWIZJONISTA

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Poniżej "konie przewalskiego" zostały pogrupowane w pewne zestawienia. Miłej lektury.


{ Council of Peoples Commissars )

1. Ilich Ulin (Vladimir Ilich Ulianov or Nikolaus Lenin). President of the Supreme Soviet, Hebrew on mothers side. His mother was called Blank, a Hebrewess of German origin.

2. Lew Davinovich Bronstein (Leo Trotsky), Commissar for the Red Army and the Navy; Hebrew.

3. Iosiph David Vissarionovich Djugashvili-Kochba (Joseph Vissarianovich Stalin), Nationalities Commissar; descendant of from Georgia.

4. Chicherin; Commissar for foreign affairs; Russian.

5. Apfelbaum (Grigore Zinoviev), Commissar for internal affairs; Hebrew.

6. Kohen (Volodarsky), Commissar for press and propaganda; Hebrew.

7. Samuel Kaufmann, Commissar for the landed property of the State; Hebrew.

8. Steinberg, law Commissar; Hebrew.

9. Schmidt, Commissar for public works; Hebrew.

10. Ethel Knigkisen (Liliana), Commissar for supply, Hebrewess.

11. Pfenigstein, Commissar for the settlement of refugees; Hebrew.

12. Schlichter (Vostanoleinin) Commissar for bilettings (confiscation of private houses for the Reds); Hebrew.

13. Luric (Larin), President of the supreme economic council; Hebrew.

14. Kukor (Kukorsky), Trade Commissar; Hebrew.

15. Spitzberg, Culture Commissar; Hebrew.

16. Urisky (Radomilsky), Commissar for "elections"; Hebrew.

17. Lunacharsky, Commissar for pubic schools. Russian.

18. Simasko, Commissar for health; Hebrew.

19. Protzian, Agriculture Commissar; Armenian.


(High officials of this Commissariat)

1. Ederer, President of the Soviet of Petrograd; Hebrew.

2. Rosenthal, Security Commissar of Moscow. Hebrew.

3. Goldenrudin, director for propaganda of the Commissariat for foreign affairs; Hebrew.

4. Krasikov, Press Commissar of Moscow; Hebrew.

5. Rudnik, Vice-President of the Commissariat for health; Hebrew.

6. Abraham Krohmal, first secretary of the Commissariat for the accommodation of refugees; Hebrew, alias Saguelsky.

7. Marthenson, director of the press bureau of the Commissariat for internal affairs; Hebrew.

8. Pfeierman, Chief Commissar for Communist police of Petrograd; Hebrew.

9. Schneider, Political Commissar of Petrograd; Hebrew.

10. Minnor, political Commissar of Moscow; American Hebrew.


1. Margolin, director of the pass office; Hebrew.

2. Fritz, director of the Commissariat for foreign affairs; Hebrew.

3. Lalet (Joffe), Soviet ambassador in Berlin; Hebrew.

4. Lewin, First secretary of the Soviet embassy in Berlin; Hebrew.

5. Askerloth, director of the press and information offices of the Soviet embassy in Berlin; Hebrew.

6. Beck, Ambassador Extraordinary of the Soviet government in London and Paris; Hebrew.

7. Benitler (Beintler), Soviet ambassador in Oslo; Hebrew.

8. Martins, Soviet ambassador in Washington; German ( ? ).

9. Lew Rosenfeld (Kamenev), Soviet ambassador in Vienna; Hebrew.

10. Vaslaw Vorovskv. former Soviet Ambassador in Rome up to the year 1922, who was murdered by the former Czarist officer M. A. Kontrady on 10th May 1925 in Lausanne; Hebrew.

11. Peter Lazarovich Voicoff, Soviet Ambassador in Warsaw up to 7th June 1927, when he was murdered by a young, Russian; Hebrew.

12. Malkin, Soviet Consul in Glasgow (Scotland) in the year 1919; Hebrew.

13. Kain Rako (Rokevsky), President of the peace Committee of Kiev; Hebrew.

14. Manuilsky, first adjutant of Rako and at present leading Communist ruler in the Ukraine; Hebrew.

15. Astzumb-Ilssen, first legal advisor of the Soviet Commissariat for foreign affairs (1918); Hebrew.

16. Abel Beck, Consul General in Odessa; Hebrew.

17. Grundbaum (Cevinsky), Consul General in Kiev; Hebrew.



1. Merzvin (Merzwinsky), first: trade Commissar; Hebrew.

2. Solvein, Secretary of Merzvin; Hebrew.

3. Haskyn, general secretary of the Soviet trade Commissariat; Hebrew.

4. Bertha Hinewitz, assistant of Haskyn; Hebrewess.

5. Isidor Gurko (Gurkowsky), second trade Commissar; few.

6. Jaks (Gladneff), Secretary of Gurko; Hebrew.

7. Latz (Latsis), President of the trade council; Hebrew from Latvia.

8. Weisman, secretary of the trade council; Hebrew.

9. Satkinov, government counsellor of the Peoples Bank of Moscow. Russian.

10. Jaks (Brother of the other), government counsellor of the Peoples Bank; Hebrew.

11. Axelrod (Orthodox), government counsellor of the Peoples Bank; Hebrew.

12. Michelson, government counsellor of the Peoples Bank; American Hebrew.

13. Furstemberg (Ganetsky), Commissar for the government of "Soviet-German" trade affairs. In reality he was the contact man of the Hebraic revolutionaries of Russia, and the Hebraic banking group of Kuhn-Loeb & Co., New York; Warburg, Stockholm; Speyer & Co., London; Lazar Freres, Paris, etc., which supported the Communist revolution of Russia by way of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Syndicate for the Bank-system in Germany with money contributions.

14. Kogon (one of the Kaganovich brothers), first secretary of Furstemberg; Hebrew.


1. Joseph Steinberg, brother of Steinberg who is the titulary Commissar; Hebrew. he occupies the post of first "Peoples' Commissar.

2. Jakob Berman, President of the revolutionary court of Moscow, Hebrew; probably the same Jakob Berman, who is the present director for the Communist party in Poland.

3. Lutzk (Lutzky), Court Commissar of the "Peoples"' military forces; Hebrew.

4. Berg, Court Commissar of Petrograd; Hebrew.

5. Goinbark, Director of the department for formulation of laws; Hebrew.

6. Scherwin, First Secretary of the "Peoples Commune" of Moscow; Hebrew.

7. Glausman, President of the Control Commission at the-Commissariat of Law; Hebrew.

8. Schraeder (Schrader), Chief Commissar of the Supreme Court of Moscow; Hebrew.


1. Groinim., Commissar for the lands in the south of Russia; Hebrew

2. Lurie (brother of the President of the Supreme Soviet of trade), director of the department for elementary schools of the Commissariat for public education; Hebrew.

3. Liuba Rosenfeld, directress of the theatrical section of the ministry for public education; Hebrewess.

4. Rebeca Jatz, secretary of the above-named; Hebrewess.

5. Sternberg, director of the department for sculpture of the Commissariat for public education; Hebrew.

6. Jakob Zolotin, President of the government council of the Institute for Communist education; Hebrew.

7. Grünberg, Commissar of instruction for the northern lands; Hebrew


1 Schorodak, personal advisor of Trotsky: Hebrew.

2. Slanks, personal advisor of Trotsky; Hebrew.

3. Petz, personal advisor of Trolsky; Hebrew.

4. Gerschfeld, personal advisor of Trotsky; Hebrew.

5. Fruntze, supreme commander of the Communist southern armies; Hebrew.

6. Fichmann, chief of general staff of the Communist armies of the North; Hebrew.

7. Potzern, President of the Soviets (Government Council) of the West front; Hebrew.

8. Schutzman (Schusmanovich), military advisor for the district of Moscow; Hebrew.

9. Gubelman, Political Commissar for the military district of Moscow; American Hebrew.

10. Leviensohn, Law Counsellor of the Red Army; Hebrew.

11. Dietz, political advisor for the military district of Vitebsk; Hebrew.

12. Glusman, military advisor of the Communist brigade of Samara; Hebrew.

13. Beckman, political Commissar of the district of Samara; Hebrew.

14. Kalman, military advisor of the Communist military forces of Slusk; Hebrew.


1. Dauge, Vice-Commissar of the Commissariat for health; Hebrew.

2. Wempertz, President of the Committee for the fight against venereal diseases; Hebrew.

3. Rappaport, Director of the pharmaceutical department of the Commissariat; Hebrew (later political Commissar of Petrograd ).

4. Fuchs, Secretary of Rappoport; Hebrew.

5. Bloschon, President of the Committee for the struggle against infectious diseases; Hebrew.


1. Rosenfeld (Kamenev), President of the Trade Soviet for Moscow; Hebrew.

2. Krasikov, Vice-President of the Trade Soviet of Moscow; Hebrew.

3. Abraham Schotman, Director of the Trade Soviet of Moscow; Hebrew.

4. Heikina, secretary of Schotmans; Hebrewess.

5. Eismondt, President of the Trade Soviet of Petersburg; Hebrew.

6. Landeman, Vice-President of the Trade Soviet of Petersburg: Hebrew.

7. Kreinitz, Director of the Trade Soviet of Petersburg; Hebrew.

8. Abel Alperovitz, Commissar for the iron foundry system of the Supreme Trade Soviet; Hebrew.

9. Hertz (Herzen), Commissar for the transport system of the Supreme Trade Soviet; Hebrew.

10. Sehilmon, secretary of Hertz; Hebrew.

11. Tavrid, President of the Commissariat for the harvesting of Lie sunflower seed oil; Hebrew.

12. Rotemberg, President of the Commissariat for coalmining, which is subject to the Supreme Trade Soviet; Hebrew.

13. Klammer; President of the Commissariat for the fishing industry; Hebrew

14. Kisswalter, President of the Commissariat for the economic reconstruction; American Hebrew.


1. Moded, Council President; Hebrew.

2. Smitdowitz, President of the workers commission; Hebrew.

3. Leibu Kuwitb, President of the soldiers commission; Hebrew ..


4. Klautzner, Hebrew;

5. Andersohn, Hebrew;

6. Michelson, Hebrew;

7 Scharach, Hebrew;

8. Grunberg, Hebrew;

9. Riphki Hebrew;

10.Vimpa, Latvian;

11.Kiamer, Hebrew;

12. Scheischman, Hebrew;

13. Lewinson Hebrew;

14.Termizan, Hebrew;

15. Rosenkoltz, Hebrew;

16. Katzstein, Hebrew;

17.Zenderbaum (Martov), Hebrew;

18. Solo, Latvian;

19. Pfalin, Hebrew,

20. Krasnopolsky, Hebrew;

21. Simson, American Hebrew;

22. Schick, Hebrew;

23. Tapkin, Hebrew.


1. Gimel (Sujanov), Hebrew;

2. Kauner, Hebrew;

3. Rappoport, Hebrew;

4. Wilken, Hebrew

5. .Siatroff, Hebrew

6. Grabner, Hebrew;

7. Diamandt, Hebrew.



1. Jankel Swerdin (Sverdolov), Committee President, Hebrew.

2. Cremmer, Hebrew;

3. Bronstein (not Trotsky), Hebrew;


4. Katz (Marnkov), Hebrew:

5. Goldstein, Hebrew;

6. Abelman, Hebrew;

7. Zünderbaum, Hebrew;

8. Urisky, Hebrew

9. Rein (Abrahamovich), Hebrew;

10. Benjamin Schmidowitz, Hebrew;

11. Tzeimbur, Hebrew;.

12. Riphkin, Hebrew;

13. Schirota, Hebrew;

14. Tzernin Chernilovsky, Hebrew;

15. Lewin (Lewinsky), Hebrew;

16. Weltman, Hebrew;

17. Axelrod (Orthodox), Hebrew;

18. Lunberg, Hebrew;

19. Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Hebrew;

20. Fuschman, Hebrew;

21. Krasicov, Hebrew;

22. Knitzunck, Hebrew;

23. Radner, Hebrew;

24. Haskyn,

25.Goldenrubin, Hebrew;

26. Frich, Hebrew;

27. Bleichman (Soltntzev), Hebrew;

28.Lantzer, Hebrew;

29.Lishatz, Hebrew;

30. Lenin, Hebrew on mother's side,


1. Radek, President, Hebrew.


2.Ganitzberg, Hebrew;

3. Knigknisen, Hebrew;

4. Amanessoff:, Hebrew;

5.Tzesulin, Hebrew;

6. Rosenthal, Hebrew;

7. Pfrumkm, Hebrew;

8. Kopnig, Hebrew;

9. Krilenko, Russian;

10. Jacks, American Hebrew;

11. Feldman, Hebrew;

12. Bruno, Hebrew;

13. Rozin, Hebrew;

14. Theodorovich, Hebrew;

15. Siansk (Siansky), Hebrew;

16. Schmilka, Hebrew;

17. Rosenfeld (Kamenev), Hebrew;

18. Samuel Kripnik, Hebrew;

19. Breslau, Hebrew;

20. Steinau, Hebrew;

21. Scheikman, Hebrew;

22. Askenatz, Hebrew;

23. Sverdin, Hebrew;

24. Stutzka, Hebrew;

25. Dimenstein, Hebrew;

26. Rupzuptas, Latvian;

27. Schmidowitz, Hebrew;

28. Nachamkes (Steklov), Hebrew;

29. Schlichter, Hebrew;

30. Peterson, Hebrew;

31. Sasnovsky, Hebrew;

32. Baptzinsk, Hebrew;

33. Valach (Litvinov). Hebrew;

34. Tegel (Tegelsky), Hebrew;

35. Weiberg, Hebrew;

36. Peter, Lithuanian;

37. Terian, Armenian;

38. Bronstein, Hebrew;

39. Ganlerz, Hebrew;

40. Starck, Hebrew;

41. Erdling, Hebrew;

42. Karachen, Hebrew;

43. Bukharin, Hebrew;

44. Langewer, Hebrew;

45. Harklin, Hebrew;

46. Lunacharsky, Russian;

47. Woloch, Hebrew;

48. Laksis, Hebrew;

49. Kaul, Hebrew;

50. Ehrman, Hebrew;

51. Tzirtzivatze, Georgian;

52. Longer, Hebrew;

53. Lewin, Hebrew;

54. Tzurupa, Latvian;

55. Jafet (Joffe), Hebrew;

56. Knitsuck, Hebrew;

57. Apfelbaum, Hebrew;

58. Natansohl: (Babrof), Hebrew;

59. Daniel (Danialevsky), Hebrew.


1. Derzhin (Derzinsky), Supreme Chief of the C.E.K.A. (CHEKA); Hebrew.

2. Peters, Sub-chief of the C.E.K.A.; Lithuanian.

3. Limbert, director of the ill-famed Tagansky prison in Moscow, where a great part of the Czarist aristocracy and many former ministers, generals, diplomats, artists, writers, etc., of the old regime were murdered. Limbert is likewise a Hebrew.

4. Vogel, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

5. Deipkyn, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

6. Bizensky, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

7. Razmirovich, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

8. Jankel Swerdin (Sverdlov). Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

9. Janson. Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

10. Kneiwitz, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

11. Finesh, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

12. Delavanoff, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

13. Ziskyn, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

14. Jacob Golden, Executive Commissar of the CHEK; Hebrew.

15. Scholovsky, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

16. Reintenberg, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

17. Gal Pernstein, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

18. Zakis, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Lithuanian.

19. Knigkisen, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

20. Skeltizan, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Armenian.

21. Blum (Blumkin), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

22. Grunberg, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

23. Latz, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

24. Heikina, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

25. Ripfkin, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

26. Katz (Karnkov), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

27. Alexandrovich, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Russian.

28. Jacks, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

29. Woinstein (Zwesdin), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

30. Lendovich, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

31. Gleistein, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

32. Helphand (Parvis), Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrew.

33. Silencus, Executive Commissar of the CHEKA; Hebrewess.

34. Jacob Model, Chief or the Communist "Peter and Paul" troop for mass repression; Hebrew.


1. Rodomill, Hebrew.

2. Djorka (Zorka), Hebrew.


1. Isilevich, Hebrew.

2. Anwelt, Hebrew.

3. Meichman, American Hebrew.

4. Judith Rosmirovich, ……...Hebrewess.

5. Giller, Hebrew.

6. Buhan, Armenian.

7. Sispper (Disperoff),Hebrew.

8. Chaim Model, Hebrew.

9. Krasnik, Hebrew.

10. Koslowsky, Pole.

11. Mehrbey, American Hebrew.

12. Pawkis, Lithuanian.


1. Benjamin Schmidt, Peoples Commissar; Hebrew.

2. Zencovich, Secretary of Schmidt; Hebrew

3. Raskkyn, General secretary of the labour Commissariat; Hebrew

4. Zarach, director of the supply department for workers; Hebrew.

5. Woltman, second Commissar of public workers; Hebrew.

6. Kaufman, assistant of Woltman; Hebrew.

7. Goldbarh, President of the Commission for public works; Hebrew

8. Kuchner, first advisor of the Commissariat for public, Hebrew



1. Isaak Latsk, Supreme Commissar of the Don Republic; Hebrew.

2. Reichenstein, Peoples Commissar of the Don Republic; Hebrew.

3. Schmulker, secretary of the above; Hebrew

4. Levinson, President of the Don Soviet; Hebrew.

5. Haytis, Commissar for Siberia; Hebrew.

6. Dretling, President of the Soviet of Kiev; Hebrew.

7. Ziumperger, assistant of the above; Hebrew

8. Zackheim, President of the Soviet of Jaroslaw; Hebrew

9. Sbeikman, President of the Soviet of Kazan; Hebrew

10. Willing, President of the Soviet of Orenburg (present day Cincakow); Hebrew.

11. Berlin (Berlinsky), President of the Soviet of Sizrn; Hebrew

12. Limbersohn, President of the Soviet of Penza; Hebrew

13. Somur, Trade Minister of Transcausasia; Hebrew

14. Schultz (Slusky), President of the Soviet of Tavrida; Hebrew

15. Herman, President of the Soviet of Tzarinsk; Hebrew.

16. Rotganzen, President of the Soviet of Bielatzerkowski; Hebrew.

17. Lemberg, secretary of Rotganzen; Hebrew.

18. Daumann, President of the Soviet of Narwsky; Hebrew.


1. Najames (Steklov), Hebrew;

2. Jacob Golin, Hebrew;

3. Kohn, Hebrew;

4. Samuel Daumen, Hebrew;

5. Ilin Tziger, Hebrew;

6. Maximo Gorky, Russian;

7. Dean, Hebrew;

8. Bitner, Hebrew;

9. Kleisner, Hebrew;

10. Bergman, Hebrew;

11. Alperowich, Hebrew;

12. Laurie (Rumantzeff), Hebrew;

13. Brahmon, Hebrew;

14. Grossman (Rozin). Hebrew;

15. Abraham Torbeth, Hebrew.


1.Abel Pretz, Hebrew;

2. Rafalowitz, Hebrew;

3. Gogan, Hebrew;

4. Bastell, Hebrew;

5. Grochmann, Hebrew;

6. Bernstein, Hebrew;

7. Moch, Hebrew;

8. Abraham Salomon Emanson, Hebrew;

9. Goldenberg, Hebrew;

10. Slavensohn, Hebrew;

11. Benjamin Rosenberg, Hebrew;

12. Schuman, Hebrew;

13. Kulliser, Hebrew;

14. Goldman, Hebrew;

15. Jacob Giler (Gilev), Hebrew.


1. Schumacher, Hebrew;

2. David (Davidov), Hebrew;

3. Jarin (Yarolavsky), Hebrew;

4. Lander, Hebrew;

5. Samson Lewin. Hebrew;

6. Steinbeck, Hebrew;

7. Bilin, Hebrew;

8. Evron, Hebrew.


1. Katz (Karnkov), Hebrew;

2. Jacks, Hebrew;

3. Eisenberg (Poliansky), Hebrew.


1. Muraviov, President; Russian


2. Salomon, Hebrew;


4.Goldstein, Hebrew;

5. Gruzenberg, Hebrew;

6. Tanker, Hebrew.


1. Rabinovich, Hebrew;

2. Weinberg, Hebrew;

3. Larin, Hebrew;

4. Galalt, Hebrew;

5. Kreitman, Hebrew;

6. Zupper, Hebrew;

7. Krasnin, Russian;

8. Alperovitz, Hebrew.


1.Sidelgenim, Hebrew;


3.Lubomirsky, Russian;

4. Kritzer (Krozov), Hebrew;

5.Tanger, Hebrew;

6. Kinstung, Hebrew



l. Ravetz, Hebrew;

2. Zmirnov,Russian;

3. Gitzemberg, Hebrew;

4. Davidson, Hebrew;

5. Brillante,Hebrew


1. Sobelsohn (Radek), Soviet military representative in Berlin; Hebrew.

2. Neinsenbaum, military representative in Bucharest; Hebrew.

3. Bergman, military representative in Vienna; Hebrew.

4. Abraham Baum, military representative in Copenhagen; Hebrew.

5. Bergman, military representative in Vienna; Hebrew.

6. Alter Klotzman, military representative in Warsaw; Hebrew.

7. Abraham Klotzman, Adjutant of the former; Hebrew


1. Katsell, Hebrew;

2. Goldman, Hebrew;

3. Walkperr, Hebrew;

4. L Kasior, Hebrew;

5. Schnell, Hebrew;

6. Schorteil, Russian;

7. Zercov, Russian;

8. Schmidt, Hebrew;

9. Blum, Hebrew;

10. Rudzistarck, Hebrew


1. Skentenberg, Hebrew;

2. Nadezda Krupp (Krupskaya, i.e. the wife of Lenin, likewise Hebrewess not Russian as generally asserted, Hebrewess;

3. Kraskowsko, Hebrew

4. Gleitzenr, Hebrew, lover of the second wife of Stalin, for this reason shot in 1932, although in the affair he was made to appear as "supported of Trotsky", Hebrew;

5. Keltsman, Hebrew;

6. Schutzka, Hebrew;

7. Schirolla, Finnish Hebrew;

8. Rotstein, Hebrew;

9. Reisner, Hebrew;

10 Josif Rakovsky, Hebrew;

11. Jacob Lurie, Hebrew;

12. Rozin, Hebrew;

13. Pokrovsky, Russian;

14. Karl Levin, Hebrew;

15. Gimel (Sujanov), Hebrew;

16. Budin, Hebrew;

17. Ehrperg, Hebrew;

18. Nemirovich, Hebrew;

19. Coikburg, Hebrew; Rapport, Hebrew; Grossmann, Hebrew; Fritz, Hebrew; Najamkes, Hebrew; Ludberg, Hebrew;

20. Dand (Dauzewsky), Hebrew;

21. Goldenbach (Riazonov), Hebrew;

22. Kusinen, Finn..;

23. Weltman, Hebrew;

24. Salomon Olansky, Hebrew;

25. Ursiner (Ursinov), Hebrew;

26. Gurovich, Hebrew;

27. Rosa Luxemburg, German Hebrewess;

28. Elchenkoltz, Hebrew;

29. Tzerkina, Hebrewess;

30. Gatze, Hebrew;

31. Moises Ulansk, Hebrew;

32. Broito (Broitman) Hebrew.


1. Polonsky, Russian;

2. Rosental, Hebrew;

3. Krutze, Hebrew;

4. Bernstein (Koganov), Hebrew;

5. Zimanovich, Hebrew;

6. Klasin, Latvian;

7. Otzkins, Hebrew;

8. Wichter, Hebrew;

9. Kirtz, Hebrew;

10. Liphsitz, Hebrew;

11. Bitzk,Hebrew.


1. Ethel Knigkisen, Hebraic woman peoples Commissar.

2. Goldman, secretary of the above; Hebrew.

3. Rosa Kaufman, assistant of the above; Hebrewess.

4. Pautzner, director of the Aid Committee; Hebrew.

5. K. Rosenthal, Chief of the central office of the Aid Committee; Hebrew.


1. Abraham Shekman, Trade representative in Stockholm with the banks Warburg and Nye Bankon; Hebrew.

2. Landau, Trade representative in Berlin; Hebrew.

3. Worowski, Trade representative in Copenhagen; Hebrew.


l. Jakob Davidov, Hebrew;

2. Paul Bitzk, Hebrew;

3. Jakob Adokolsky, Hebrew;

4. Joseph Beyer, Hebrew;

5. Abraham Gundram, Hebrew;

6. Kastariaz, Armenian;

7. Beniamin/Aronovitz, Hebrew.


1. Tziwin (Piatinsky), Hebrew;

2. Gurevich (Dan), Hebrew;

3. Silberstein (Begdanov), Hebrew;

4. Garfeld (Garin), Hebrew;

5. Rosemblum (Maklakowsky), Hebrew;

6. Kernomordik, Hebrew;

7. Lowenshein, Hebrew;

8. Goldenberg (Meshkowski), Hebrew;

9. Tzibar (Martinov), Hebrew.


1. Lechtiner, adviser of the military Soviet of the Caucasian army; Hebrew.

2. Watsertish, Commander of the West Front against Czechoslovakia; Hebrew.

3. Bruno, Special advisor for the East Front; Hebrew.

4. Schulman, second advisor of the Moscow government (Council of the Peoples Commissars) for the East Front; Hebrew.

.5. S.Schmidowitz, (Commander of the Communist military forces in the Crimea; Hebrew.

6. Jack, second commander of the forces in the Crimea; Hebrew.

7. Schnesur, third commander of the same army; Lithuanian.

8. Meigor, Chief of the military Soviet of Kazan; Hebrew.

9. Nazurkoltz, Commissar of the military Soviet of Kazan; Hebrew.

10. Rosenkeltz, Commissar of the military Soviet of Kazan; Hebrew.

11. Samuel Gleitzer, Commissar and Commander of the Soviet trooping school for the frontiers (frontier guards ); Hebrew.

12. Kolman, commander of the military Commune of Moscow; Hebrew.

13. Katzmer (Lazimov), Adjutant of the above; Hebrew.

14. Dulis, military advisor of the Soviet government; Hebrew.

15. Steinger, military advisor of the Soviet government; Hebrew.

16. Gititz, political Commissar for the military district of Petrograd; Hebrew.

17. Dzenitz, political Commissar for the 15th Communist brigade; Hebrew.

18. Bitziss, commander of the military district of Moscow; Hebrew.

19. Gecker, commander of the Communist army of Jaroslaw; Hebrew.

20. Mitkatz, military advisor of the government for the military district of Moscow; Hebrew.

21. Tzeiger, Commander of the military Soviet of Petrograd; Hebrew.


1. Henrick, special Commissar of the government; Hebrew.

2. Moisekovak, assistant of the above; Hebrew.

3. Kahan, Controller-general for the private bank depots; American Hebrew.

4. Jacob Giftling, technical advisor of the Commissariat; Hebrew.

5. Nathan Elliasevich, second technical advisor; Hebrew.

6. Sarrach Elliasevich, assistant of the above; Hebrewess.

7. Abraham Ranker, advisor of the Commissariat; Hebrew.

8. Plat, Hebraic advisor; Latvian.

9. Abraham Rosenstein, Hebraic advisor; Hebrew.

10. Lemerich, advisor of the Commissariat; Hebrew.


Beniamin Zeitzer, Hebrew; Pozner, Hebrew; Maxim Gorky, Russian; Alter, Hebrew; Eichenkoltz, Hebrew; Schwartz,Hebrew; Berender, Hebrew; Kelinin, Hebrew; Hadasevich, Hebrew; Leben (Lebedeff), Hebrew; Kersonskaya, Hebrewess.

How many leading posts of the new Hebraic-Soviet State have been occupied by Gentiles and how many by the descendants of Abraham, is shown by the following statistics.

Gentiles Hebrews

1. Members of the first Communist government of the 3 16

2. Mesed, (Council of Peoples Commissars ). High officials, who belong to the Commissariat forInternal Affairs. 0 10

3. Higher officials of the Commissariat for foreign affairs. 2 16

4. Higher officials of the trade Commissariat. 1 13

5. Higher officials of the justice Commissariat. 0 10

6. Higher officials of the Commissariate for public schools. 0 8

7. Officials of the Commissariat for armed forces. 0 14

8. Higher officials in the Commissariat for health. 0 5

9. Members of the Supreme Soviet for peoples trade. 0 14

10. Members of the first Soldiers and Workers Councils of Moscow. 4 19

11. Members of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party. 1 6

12. Members of the Central Committee of the 40th Congress of Syndicates of Soviet Workers and Peasants. 0 30

13. Members of the Central Committee of the 50th Congress of the Soviet Syndicate. 0 50

14. Directors of the CHEKA police in Moscow. 5 29

15. Peoples Commissars in Petrograd. 0 2

16. Executive Commissars of the CHEKA police of Petrograd. 3 9

17. Members of the higher labour Commissariat. 0 8

18. Communist Commissars and officials in the provinces. 1 17

19. Editors of the newspapers "Pravda," "lz-vestia," and "Ekonomichenskaya Zizin." 1 14

20. Editors of the Communist newspaper "Torgo-Promislevnoy-Gazzetty." 0 15

21. Editors of the Communist newspaper "The Banner of Labour." 0 8

22. Editors of the newspaper "Vola-Truva." 0 3

23. Members of the Commission for the arrest of sympathisers with the Czarist regime. 1 6

24. Members of the Central Bureau of State State Consumer Bodies. 1 7

25. Members of the Central Bureau of the Higher Trade Soviet. 1 5

26. Members of the Central Committee of artizans Syndicates. 1 4

27. Representatives of the Red Army abroad. 0 7

28. Members of Higher Juristic Corps. Professors of the Socialist Academy of Moscow. 1 9

29 Members of the Higher Soviet of the Don Commissariat. 2 34

30. Members of the Aid Commission for the Communist. 0 5


32. Soviet trade representatives abroad. 0 3

33. Peoples Judges of Moscow. 1 6

34. Permanent Commissars at disposal of the Supreme Soviet. 0 9

35. Military advisors of the government of Moscow. 2 19

36. Members of the Commissariat for the liquidation of private banks. 0 10

37. Members of the Lingual Science department of the proletariat. 1 10

Of a total of 502 offices of first rank in the organisation and direction of the Communist revolution in Russia and in the direction of the Soviet State during the first years of its existence, no less than 459 posts are occupied by Hebrews, while only 43 of these offices have been occupied by Gentiles of different origin. Who then has accordingly carried out this terrible revolution? The Gentiles perhaps? Another statistic, which was published in Paris by the counter-revolutionary newspaper "Le Russe Nationaliste," after the victory of the Hebraic Communist in Russia, reveals that of 554 Communist leaders of first rank in different offices the racial composition was as follows:

Hebrews 447

Lithuanians 43

Russians 30

Armenians 13

Germans 12

Finns 3

Poles 2

Georgians 2

Czechs 1

Hungarians 1

During the second- world war and from then on up to our present time. the Hebraic clique which rules the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, continues to be very numerous, for at the head of the names stands Stalin himself, who for a long time way regarded as a Georgian of pure descent. Today it is almost completely proved, that Stalin had Hebraic blood, although he neither confirmed nor denied the rumours, about which mutterings began in this direction.[14]

Let us look at a list of the Soviet officials in the government of Stalin

1. Zdanov (Yadanov), who in reality was called Liphshitz, foriner commander in the defence of Leningrad during the 2nd world war. Member of the Politbüro up to 1945 and one of the instigators of the decision which excluded Tito from the Cominform in the year 1948 and who shortly afterwards died.

2. Lavrenty Beria, Chief of the M.V.D. Police and of Soviet heavy industry, member of the Soviet Atom industry, who was executed upon orders of Malenkov, and in fact for the same reason for which Stalin liquidated. Yagoda.

3. Lazar Kaganovich, director of Soviet heavy industry,

4. Malenkov (Georgi Maximilianovich Molenk), member of the Politbüro and Orgburo until 1952, then member of the Supreme Presidium, President of the Ministerial Council after the death of Stalin; Minister in the government of Bulganin since 1955. He is a Hebrew from Ornsenburg, not a Cossack, as is asserted. The name of his father, Maximilian Malenk, is typical for a Russian Hebrew. In addition there is a very important detail, which reveals the true origin of Malenkov and also of Khmschev. The present wife of Malenkov is the Hebrewess Pearim Litter, known as "Comrade Schans chuschne" who was Minister (Commissar) for the fish industry in the Soviet government in the vear 1938. If Malenkov had not been a Hebrew, it is extremely unlikely that he wou^d have married a Hebrewess, and the latter w^uld also not have married him. There exists no official description of the life of Malenkov. This is certainly to be attributed to the fact that he does not want his Hebraic origin to be discovered.

5. Nikolaus Salomon Khrushchev, present chief (1963) of the Soviet Communist party, member of the Politburo since 1939, i.e. since the year, when Malenkov was chosen member of the Orgburol He is the brother of Madame Malenkov, i.e. of the Hebrewess Pearlmutter. Khruschev is a Hebrew and his real name is Pearlmutter. Also, the present wife of Khruschev, Nina, as well as the wives of Kikoyan, Voroshilov, Molotov,etc., are Hebrewesses.

6 .Marshal Nikolaus Bulganin, at present first Soviet minister, former bank official, was one of the ten Hebraic members of the Commissariat for the liquidation of private banks in the year 1919.

7.Anastasio Josifovich Mikoyan, member of the Politburo since 1935, member of the Supreme Presidium since 1952, Trade Minister and Vice-president in the Malenkov government. He is an Armenian Hebrew and not a true Armenian as is believed.

8.Kruglov, chief of the M.V.D. after Beria. Upon command of Kruglov the imprisoned Hebraic doctors were released who had been imprisoned by Riumin, sub-chief of the plice, during the rulership of Beria, in the year 1953.

9. Alexander Kosigin, member of the Politbüro up to 1952, afterwards deputy in the Supreme Presidium and Minister for light industry and food in the Malenkov government. Russian

10. Nikolaus Schvernik, member of the Politbüro up to 1952, then member of the Supreme Presidium and member of the Presidum of the Central Committee of the Communist party; Hebrew.

l1. Andreas Andreievich Andreiev, who was known as the "Politbureaucrat" of 3 A, member of the Politburo between 1931 and 1952, Hebrew from Calicia (Poland). He writes under Russian pseudonym.

12. P. K. Ponomareno, member of the Orgburo in the year 1952; afterwards member of the highest Presidium and culture minister in the Malenkov government

13. P. F. Yudin (Hebrew), deputy member of the highest Presidium and titulary of the Ministry for building material in the Malenkov government in the year 1953.

14. Mihail Pervukin, member of the Presidium of the central committee of the Communist party since 1953. Russian.

15. N. Schatalin, official in the sub-secretariat of the Central Committee of the Community Party. Russian

16. K. P. Corschenin, Justice minister in the government of Malenkov. Russian

17. D. Ustinov (Zambinovich), Soviet ambassador in Athens (Greece) up to the second world war; defence minister in the Malenkov government. Russian.

18. V. Merkulov, Minister for state control at the time of Malenkov. Russian

19. A. Zasyadko, Minister for the coal industry under Malenkov. Russian.

20. Cherburg, Soviet propaganda chief. Hebrew.

21. Milstein. one of the Soviet espionage chiefs. 2. Ferentz Kiss, Chief of the Soviet espionage service in Europe. All Hebrews.

23. Postschreibitscher (Poschebicheve), former private secretary of Stalin, at present chief of the secret archives of the Kremlin. German

24. llya Ehrenburg, delegate for Moscow in the Supreme Soviet, Communist writer: likewise Hebrew.

25. Mark Spivak, delegate from Stalino (Ukraine) in the Supreme Soviet of Moscow. Slovak.

26. Rosalia Goldenberg, delegate from Birobudjan in the Supreme Soviet. Hebrew.

27. Anna E. Kaluger, delegate of Bessarabia in the Supreme Soviet, Her brother, not Koluger, but Calugaru in Rumanian, is a Communist official in the government of Rumania.

Also Kalinin, one of the great Soviet officials under Stalin who died some time ago, was a Hebrew.[15]

It is only too well known, that the Anti-Semitism of Stalin was a misrepresentation of the facts, and that the blood bath among the Hebrews (Trotskyists) which he carried out in order to assert his power, was performed by other Hebrews. In the last instance the struggle between the Hebrew Trotsky and the Stalin was a struggle between parties for control over the Communist government, which they created, it was purely a family dispute. As proof, the following list of Commissars for Foreign Affairs, during the period when Stalin got rid of some certain Hebrews, who had become dangerous for his personal power.

1. Maxim Maximovich Litvinoff, Minister for Foreign Affairs up to 1939; when he was replaced through Molotov. He afterwards occupied high offices in the same ministry up to his death in February 1952. He was born in Poland as son of the Hebrew Meir Genokh Moiseevich Vallakh, a bankclerk. In order to conceal his real name Maxim Moiseevich Vallakh (Lit-vinoff used various pseudonymns during his real career, among them Finkelstein, Ludwig Nietz, Maxim Harryson, David Mordecay, Felix, and finally, when he became an official in the Communist regime of Russia, he took on the name of Litvinoff or Litvinov. When this Hebrew was replaced by Molotov in the Year 1939, the Hebrews of the western world and the entire Hebraic-Freemasonic press began to cry out that he had been removed through Stalin, because he was a "Hebrew," but they kept quiet afterwards concerning the fact that up to his death Litvinov remained in the ministry. Why also say this, if it was not of interest for the conspiracy? In the Memoirs of Litvinov, which were published after his death, he wrote that in his opinion nothing would alter in Soviet Russia after the death of Stalin. In fact, Stalin died a year after Litvinov and nothing was altered in the Soviet's internal and external policies.

What the West calls change in the policy of the USSR, is simply nothing further than a skilled propaganda for the necessities of the plan for world rule through the Hebrews. Nothing has altered since the death of Stalin. A certain unrest may have arisen on account of the lack of a new leader of the stature of Stalin or Lenin, that is all. For this reason the Hebraic-Freemasonic conspirators of the West wish to paint the Soviet-Communist black raven over with the glittering colours of "Pacifism," of "Coexistence," "Human friendliness," etc., in order to introduce it to the world as something harmless, until a dictator with the same lusts of his predecessors arises.

When Litvinov asserted that nothing would alter with the death or Stalin, he knew very well, that this would be so, because Stalin was nothing more than one of the handymen of the Hebraic band, which rules the USSR, and because after him other Hebrews would be at hand, to carry on the plan of world domination, for which Bulganin, Baruch, Reading, Thorez, Mendes France, David Ben Gurion and many others are cooperating.

In continuing the list of Hebrews [and Gentiles] in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, we mention:

2. Andreas Januarevich Vishinsky, now dead, who was foreign minister of the USSR before the death of Stalin and afterwards permanent representative of the Soviet Union in the UNO. There he missed no opportunity to sling his obscenities against the non-Communist lands, exactly as in the times when he was "Peoples Judge." His Hebraic name was Abraham Januarevin.

3. Jakob Malik, Soviet representative in the UNO and a great personality in the Soviet diplomatic hierarchy; Hebrew.

4. Valerian Zorin, for a time ambassador in London and likewise a great figure of Soviet diplomacy, who changes his post according to necessity

5. Andrei Gromyko, diplomat, Minister for foreign affairs since 1958. Russian

6. Alexander Panyllshkin, former Soviet ambassador in Washington, ambassador in Peking during the year 1955, Russian, who is regarded as the actual dictator of Red China.

7. Zambinovich (Ustinov), ambassador in Athens up to 1940. Hebrew.

8. Admiral Radionovich, ambassador in Athens between 1945 and 1946, i.e., as the Communist coup d'etat in Greece was prepared; Hebrew.

9, Constantin Umansky, ambassador in Washington during the Second World War and afterwards official in Lie Ministry for foreign affairs in Moscow. Russian

10. Manuilsky, former representative in the Ukraine and in the UNO, at present President of the Ukraine; likewise Hebrew.

11. Ivan Maisky, ambassador in London during the war, afterwards high official of the Foreign Ministry in Moscow. Hebrew

12. Madame Kolontay, ambassador in Stockholm until her death in March 1952;. Hebrewess.

13. Daniel Solod, ambassador in Cairo in the year 1955. The latter, supported by a Hebraic group which belongs to the diplomatic corps in Cairo, directs the Israelite conspiracy inside the Arab world under Soviet diplomatic protection, without the Egyptian government noticing this. This government should not forget, that David Ben Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel, as well as Golda Meyerson, Israel's Minister in Moscow, arc Russian Hebrews like David Solod.

At present according to confirmed data 80% to 90% of the key positions in all ministries in Moscow and the remaining Soviet republics are occupied by Hebrews.

"I do not believe that there can be any doubt of the origin of all those who occupy the highest posts in Moscow since the first moment of the revolution; for the Russians it is a lamentable fact that after all this course of time things are much worse, for the number of Hebrews who live in Russia, has increased in frightening degree. All important leading positions are in their hands.."[16]

As in Russia the countries of Europe where Bolshevism has gained control, are also completely ruled by a Hebraic minority; the latter always appears in the direction of the Communist government with an iron, criminal and merciless hand, so as to attain the utter enslaving of the native citizens through an insignificant group of Hebrews.

More convincing than any other proof is an exact surveying of the most principal leaders of the Bolshevist governments of Europe, which are always found in the hands of the Israelites. We will quote the most principal ones:

Owing to the size of this document, the Kagnovich list that includes other Eastern Bloc countries is on a separate page, continue, or go straight to Chapter 5.

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....... nie wiem kto określił Żydów : "koniki Przewalskiego" ?? Jest to tak obrażliwe dla tych fantastycznych zwierząt, że będę się upierał przy sprawdzonym terminie : PARCHY... a koniczki niech zostaną przy Przewalskim, nawet jeśli to prawda, że jest ojcem tego "Dziobatego". Panie Marku, robota znakomita, proponuję wysłać do Szechtera, może zrobi specjalny Dodatek w swojej Gów. Gaz.

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