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Obrazek użytkownika bogdan

Bright light in Devil's Playground: dr John Mighton

"One of my first students was close to failing Grade 8 math. He had been told by his teacher that he wasn't bright enough to do well in the subject. Having struggled with math myself, I decided to observe the boy carefully before I made any judgements about his ability. He proved to be an ideal student. He worked hard and soon developed an...

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Obrazek użytkownika bogdan

I sent a message to the Premier of Ontario.

The System is blocking my bookmarking - which is a means
of communication.

See the link:

Yes I got a letter from the tax office:

"Ontario's tax changes will help create almost 600,000 nes jobs by making our province more attractive for new business
investments, and provide tax relief with...

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Obrazek użytkownika bogdan

In the meantime the System restored Nadir's blog - but
without my entries.

My last e-mail to Nadir:

Dear Friend,

Nothing has changed - look at this link:

Yes, the Canadian Police State is still upon You and I.

Both you and I know that this e-mail will be read by The Hogs
who are putting their Diabolical Snouts where they...

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