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Obrazek użytkownika bogdan

Dear Friend,

Do you think that we should continue our work to advance the causes of Education and Justice?

I don't think that Proud Canadian Snouts will be in a position to shut us down?
(pround like in "pride parade")

Check this out?

What do you say?

Best, Bogdan

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Obrazek użytkownika bogdan

I, BB, resident/citizen of Canada ask UN Human Rights Commission
for protection against the Ontario Police State and its agencies.

In 1997 I was harassed/persecuted by the Ontario system through judicial proceedings.

At that time I submited a request to stand in my defence.

I can provide evidence that Ontario and its current Premier Dalton McGuinty are pursuing
policies that trample upon human...

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Obrazek użytkownika bogdan

My note to the UN Human Rights Commission.

So now - back to the beginning.

As I wrote before my entries on Nadir's blog were removed - when it was shut down,
then it was restored. Here are the details:


We will go step by step. I will keep you posted about my activities.
This will be a good test if you really CARE or you...

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