Protest przeciwko przyjazdowi p. H.Clinton w przedzień II tury wyborów prezydenckich2010

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można znaleść gotowe wzorce protestu do H. Clinton oraz Sen. John'a McCaina. i adres gdzie należy go wysłać.

Protest może być wystosowany nie tylo przez Polaków mieszkających w USA, ale przez wszystkich mieszkających na całym świecie.


Wyciąg z tej strony:

"[..] Ponizej znajda Panstwo gotowe protesty do H. Clinton oraz Sen. John'a McCaina.

Prosimy, aby wyrazili Panstwo Swoj sprzeciw wobec jawnej ingerencji w sprawy Polski. Prosimy o sygnowanie Swoimi nazwiskami i przesylanie ich na ponizsze adresy emailowe:

1/ Secretary of State H. Clinton (wiadomosc przesyla sie przez ponizsza strone):
Public Communikation
PA/PL, Rm. 2206
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20520

June 25, 2010

Mrs. Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State

United States Department of State

2201 C Street NW

Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary of State Clinton:

am writing you to express my opposition to your planned travel to Poland immediately before the Polish Presidential Election that will take place on July 4. This trip can only be seen as a clear attempt to influence the election in favor of one of the candidates.

As you know, the United States Government has a longstanding and correct policy of not backing individual candidates or parties in elections in democratic countries. This bipartisan policy has been followed by numerous administrations, both Democratic and Republican. It is not in the interest of the United States for you to abandon this policy.

Furthermore, if you do go Poland, this can only have a negative effect on American-Polish relations. The Poles are a proud people and they do not like others interfering in their affairs. Your poorly timed visit has the potential to further erode American credibility in Poland. The credibility of the United States has already suffered as a result of the poorly-time announcement of the cancellation of plans to base Missile Defense interceptors in Poland. The end of this plan, which had been criticized strongly by Russia, was announced on September 17, 2009, the 70th anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland at the start of the Second World War.

Polish Americans also do not take kindly to other countries, be they Germany, Russia, or the United States, trying to decide for Poland matters that rightly should be decided by the Polish people. Polish Americans, of which I am one, will not support a party or an administration that interferes in Polish elections. Your visit will only act to turn Polish Americans against the Democratic Party in this year's Congressional elections and in the 2012 Presidential Elections.




Sen. John McCain (telefon# (202) 224-2235)

June 25, 2010

Mr. John McCain

United States Senator

241 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator McCain:

I am writing you to express my opposition to your planned travel to Poland immediately before the Polish Presidential Election that will take place on July 4. This trip can only be seen as a clear attempt to influence the election in favor of one of the candidates.

As you have long been a friend of Poland and free and fair elections the world over, it was shocking to see that you plan to attend the Community of Democracies meeting in Krakow on July 3, which, unfortunately, has become a venue for the campaign of one of the two Polish presidential candidates. In normal circumstances, there would no issue. However, since the tragic death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and nearly 100 other Polish leaders in an airplane crash near Smolensk, Russia, on April 10, the situation in Poland has yet return to normal.

The Community of Democracies meeting is being hosted by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, who is a member of candidate Bronislaw Komorowski's party. Mr. Sikorski is actively campaigning for Mr. Komorowski, who will be one of the main participants at the Community of Democracies meeting. There has been no provision made for the other candidate, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, to participate at this meeting. Rather than giving an unfair advantage to one of the candidates, it would have been better for Poland, and for the Community of Democracies, for this meeting to be postponed until after the Polish election.

The choice of Poland's next president belongs to the Polish people. They will react very negatively to even the appear of foreign political leaders trying to influence their decision. You can be assured that Polish Americans, including the over 125,000 in Arizona, will not take kindly to such efforts either and will remember them on election day. Nie wolno nam glosowac na McCaina , pamietajcie zblizaja sie wybory w Arizonie McCain 20 lat w Senacie co on zrobil dla Arizony dla mieszxkancow tego Stanu , pokazuje sie tylko wtedy gdy chodzi o nasze glosy , atak przez caly okres swego pobytu w Senacie "lobuje" prywatnym firmom i to nie amerykanskim . Pamietaj Polonio!!!.



Z powazaniem,

Ava Polansky-Bak

Victor A. Zolcinski [..]"

Brak głosów


Tych dwoch juz nie wiele zmieni...lepiej napisac do Obamy...

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Wiem - pisanie ma jednak prawie zawsze sens - często jednak nie tyen który oczekujemy i pewnie o to Tobie chodzi.

A jednak: pisanie jednoczy nasze szeregi, wzmacnia i po owocach można poznać po owocach, współpraca z kim jest warta zachodu i obarczona miejszym kredytem nieufonści. Lobbystów wszystkich innych interesów tylko nie interesu społecznego PL jest wielu i ubrani w owcze skóry. Takie osoby pozostają w uśpieniu przez długie lata, są reaktywowane w decydującym momencie i przynosili w ostatnich 200 latach decydujące straty. Ich wykrycie trudne - zmuszanie ich z wyjścia spod osłony, osłonięcie się przez zajęcie konkretnego stanowiska pomaga w tej pracy. Im czyn który maja dokonać trudniejszy tym lepszy sprawdziań ich lojalności

Trzeba nam się uczyć strategicznego długofalowego działańia, myśleć na siedem ruchów konia szachowego do przodu. To trudne.

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Obama jak startował na prezydenta to zlożył przysięgi żydom że będzie ich popierał we wszystkim - czytaj będzie wykonywał rozkazy. Pisz,pisz papier jest wytrzymały. Jak widzisz na niepoprawnych tym tekstem słabe zainteresowanie , a powinno być głośno. Widocznie na niepoprawnych jest mało niepoprawnych. Pozdrawiam.

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